

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[怎么样写一篇我终于成功了的作文]我终于成功了深圳市学校文汇中学初二(十)班 张勋一个人的成功难免会有失败作为开端,要想成功就必须经过失败的考验才能取得成功!我就是经过多次失败后才苦尽甘来后终于得到了成...+阅读

第一篇:There may be many different teas around the world. Tea-making is no just throwing some tea in a pot. It's an art. Master the trick of making tea that everyone loves to sip. So here we go and lay down the rules of making a nice cup of tea.

First step: Boil the water, but don't over-boil it!

(Tips: Take away the jug from the fire/stove as soon as it bubbles, otherwise the over-boiled water will decrease the flavour of the tea.) Second step: Shower the pot and the cups with boiled water, then fill half of the pot with tea leaves .(Tips: Pour the boiled water into the pot. Wait a minute, then just pour the water out of the pot onto the cups. This procedure is called "washing the tea", which is said to clean the leaves.)

Third Step: Fill up the pot with boiling water, wait for a little while again, and then you can serve the tea.

The way to serve it is to pour the tea into the cups in a row quickly, back and forth, for the sake of having the same consistency in each cup. After the very last drop of tea flows in the cup, it's time to enjoy the rich, savoury and unique Gongfu Tea.

第二篇:Music can be considered as a form of language, and we are able to communicate with other people through music, because musics always have different massages. Sandy is a little gril who has a special talent about music; she often has a good taste for beautuful music. She can always tell the massages behind the music no matter what kind of music.


作文:我终于成功了我终于成功了 对于我们这种在知识的大海里徜徉的学生来说,最大的困难莫过于那一个个令人百思不得其解的难题了,我总是绞尽脑汁把它们攻克。 这天,窗外正下着倾盆大雨,远处的景物...

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