

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[人教版高一英语必修一第七页的那篇作文怎么写]Recently, a piece of news reported that a girl and her boyfriend made a plan to kill her parents. Luckily, her father was alive for the wrong shot. When the pol...+阅读

Whales 鲸鱼 1.Everyone has heard about whales.What a beautiful sight it must be to sea a whale.It is no wonder so many stories have been written about them.In years gone by,men sailed in ships that did not take them back to their homes for many years.Their job was to capture whales.They sold certain parts of the whales to people for different uses.The whale was valuable because it was not easy to get.Whaling is not a job for many people any more.We no longer need very much of anything from whales.人人都听说过鲸鱼.而观赏鲸鱼又是多么美妙的事情,无怪乎有那么多关于鲸鱼的故事.过去的年月里,许多人出海航行,很多年也不回家,他们的工作就是捕鲸.他们将鲸鱼身体的各部分卖给不同的人做不同的用途.因为鲸鱼不容易捕获所以它们很值钱.但是,捕鲸已经不再是很多人的职业.我们已经不再需要鲸鱼身上的东西了.2.There have been many stories written about whales.They are good stories to read because they always tell of adventure.曾经有许多描写鲸鱼的故事.它们都是一些值得阅读的好文章,因为它们总会讲述一些冒险经历.3.To enjoy a story about whales it is a good idea to learn as much about them as you can.Aboard the whaling ship you would hear a man shout:"There she blows!Whale off the starboard bow!" 欣赏有关鲸鱼的故事是一个好办法,可以让你尽可能多地了解到关于鲸鱼的知识.登上捕鲸船上你将听到一个水手的高喊:“它在那喷气!鲸鱼在右弦船头!” 4.The lookout on a whaling ship has sighted a spouting whale.All hands spring to their jobs.The harpooner takes aim with his gun and fires.There is a short fight.The whale is dead.Its body is taken aboard the ship.A crew of men sets to work stripping the great whale of its blubber.捕鲸船上的了望者看到了一头正在喷气的鲸鱼.所有的人立即投入各自的工作.鱼叉手用他们的鱼枪瞄准,然后开火.这是一场非常短的战斗.鲸鱼死了,它的身体被拖上了船的甲板.一个水手带着工具,去剥离这条巨大的鲸鱼的鲸脂.5.The thick fat,or blubber,under the whale's skin protects the animal against cold waters.It is for the valuable oil in blubber that whales are hunted.厚厚的脂肪,或者说是鲸脂,在鲸鱼的皮下用于保护它,去抵御寒冷的海水.恰恰为了从鲸脂中获得有价值的油,鲸鱼遭到捕猎.


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