

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[高一英语必修一p7作文]I am sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you: First, why...+阅读

到了星期三,跳绳比赛就要开始了。老师把我们带到球场上,先分成六排,然后每排每排进行跳绳比赛,可是我根本就不会跳。心想,这跳绳活动是女孩子的项目,不是我们男孩子的活动内容,我已不会跳,也不想跳,所以拿着绳子站在旁边闲聊。回到家里,我把事情告诉了妈妈,妈妈说:“跳绳活动是不分男女的,只要你肯努力,一定能学会”。 听了妈妈说的话,我觉得有道理。所以我今天早晨早早起来,走上天棚学跳绳,妈妈知道后也跟上来看我跳绳,但我总是跳不好。然后妈妈说:“你先把跳绳放到腿的后面,两只手拿着跳绳的两边,接着把绳抡到身子的前面,等跳绳快要抡到脚尖的时候,你赶紧跳起来,然后继续把跳绳像我刚才说的那样继续跳,你就可以跳得很好了”,听了妈妈这番话,我立刻拿来跳绳开始跳。果然,我跳得越来越熟练,不到半小时,我就能一次连续跳三十多下。...


高一英语必修一第七页的作文着急呀I am sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you: First, why...

牛津高一英语必修一P17页的作文怎么写速求The results of our recent survey indicate that 8% of students enjoy reading. Humour, accounting for 28% of the votes, trumps travel as the high schoolstudents'...

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