

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[寒假开学第一天 70词英语日记带翻译]Today is the first day of school, I'm filled with yearning for the new semester went into the school, the students are in high spirits to talk about the winter...+阅读



明天就开学用英语日记两则How time flies.Today I am no longer a villain in the piece of paper painted with children's children; today I am no longer a simple calculation and the calculat...

寻一篇英语日记描写刚刚开学The new term just began and I have something to say. Today,we had a ceremony held and I've got something significant.To start with the first day of this term,we...

求助!写一篇英语日记关于开学 50字左右带翻译Summer holiday is coming to the end, and I can't help expecting what new changes will surprise me.Will I have a new classmate? Can I make an exciting progress?...

英语日记:新学期的第一天The first day in the new semester How time flies! The winter holiday has gone and today it's the first day in the new semester. I had a very good holiday ,doing...

关于开学计划的英语日记作文一: How to study English? Study English,You do need to use English with speakers who are not teachers of English. This isn't easy, since everyone feels const...

翻花绳日记三百字翻花绳 我有一根神奇的绳子,我很喜欢用它来玩许多有趣的游戏,比如说翻花绳等等。你可以随便让它变成各种形状,也可以任意玩耍他,它非常听主人的指挥,老师说:你想让它变成什么都行...

我喜欢翻花绳日记200字翻花绳 我有一根神奇的绳子,我很喜欢用它来玩许多有趣的游戏,比如说翻花绳等等。你可以随便让它变成各种形状,也可以任意玩耍他,它非常听主人的指挥,老师说:你想让它变成什么都行...


