
急急急。急需一篇有关诚实 honesty的英语作文包括翻译

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语作文大家帮帮忙]One Possible Version: We have planned several activities. When we get there,we will visit the elderly in their rooms in groups,presenitng them with flowers and...+阅读

Honesty is the best policy Today I read an instructive speech, in which the speaker argues that honesty is the best policy by telling us a true story about an overseas Chinese student who couldn't find a job because of his dishonest records. I can't agree with the speaker more. Honesty means all the difference between success and failure. Honesty will eventually bring people benefits while dishonesty may bring people short -term benefits but will surely bring disasters to them in the long run. Take Mr. Mao, headmaster of *** national model high school, for example. In face of fierce competition, some teachers neglected their students cheating in examinations and worse still some even cheated themselves to please school leaders. Mr Mao strongly opposed this phenomenon. As a result, his honesty led to his great success as a chemistry teacher and he was promoted as headmaster three years ago. Another opposite example is Sanlu milk powder company. In order to make more money, they added a toxic chemical-melamine to the milk powder they produced, which made it appear to have more protein than was actually the case. The company made a lot of money by such dishonest means. But when the scandal was disclosed, not only did the company have to close down, but also some officials concerned were sent to prison. Honesty is important in our study and future career .Therefore, we should always remember honesty is the best policy and promise to be honest all our life. 做人诚信为本 今天我读了一个发人深省的演说,其中说话人认为诚实是最好的政策,告诉我们一个真实的故事,一个海外华人学生找不到工作,因为他不诚实的记录。




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