

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

chafing dish 火锅 A metal dish or pan mounted above a heating device and used to cook food or keep it warm at the table. In old china, the restaurant usually like use cupreous chafing dish. Because the cupreous thermal transfer is very quick, the cupreous chafing dish can soon to become hot. 藕 lotus root 鱿鱼 sleeve-fish 鸭舌 duck tongue 冻豆腐 freeze bean curd 肥牛 fat beef slices 涮羊肉 dip-boiled mutton 粉条 vermicelli 肉丸 meatballs 黄瓜片 cucumber slices 鸭掌 duck web 鲫鱼 gold carp 竹笋 bamboo shoots 冬瓜片 white gourd slices 木耳 agaric 豆芽 bean sprouts 田鸡腿 frog legs 螺片 whelk slices 海带丝 shredded kelp 蘑菇类通称为 mushrooms 鱼丸 fish balls 菜花 cauliflower 鱼片 fish slices 鳝鱼片 eel slices 蟹肉棒 minced crab 鱼肚 fish maw 毛肚:Ox Gastric Wall 鸭肠:Duck Intestines 血旺:Blood Curd 黄喉:The Red Lane 腰子:Pigs Kidney 血肠:Blood Sausage 粉丝:Starch Noodle 脆皮肠:Wiener 里脊肉:Tenderloin 由来 Chafing dish is Chinese tradition bite and sup fashion, come of folk, venerable. Live through the Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty, and Tang Dynasty evolvement, chafing dish have formal record until the Song Dynasty. Chongqing chafing dish is an old Chinese chafing dish form. First eaten by poor boatmen of the Yangtze River in Chongqing area and then spread westwards to the rest of Sichuan. Now is a very popular local flavor and can be found at every corner of the city. There are a great variety of hotpots, including Yueyang Hotpot, Four Tastes Hotpot, Yashan Hotpot and Fish Head Hotpot. If you are adventurous enough, you can basically cook anything with hot pot, e.g., pig's brain and duck's kidney.
