

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

There are always some debates about whether universities should be placed in the urban area or the rural area. 总是有一些关于大学应该建设在城市还是建设在农村的争论, 持大学应建设在农村的观点的人认为,通过在不发达地区建设现代化大学可以在相当程度上推动和促进当地经济的发展,促进当地的基础设施建设,并能够引入投资,最终形成一个推动当地发展的良性循环。

People holding the opinion that a university should be placed in the rural area believe that by establishing a modernized school in a undeveloped region could considerably push up and fuel the development of its economy, prompt the constructon of public foundations, and draw many investment into this area, finally shape a good-circle that roll forward the development of this whole region. 但是,反对者认为,让一所大学来带动一个地区的经济到一定程度需要相当长的时间,而在此之前大学生们需要忍受各种不便,比如不完善的医疗条件,食品供给的高成本增加了他们的学费,以及糟糕的交通等等。

But opposers argue that it would take a long time for a university to haul a region's economy to a proper level, before which period students in that school would suffer from many inconveniences, like incomplete medical conditions, high cost for food supplies which would increase their payment, and poor traffics,etc. 我的看法是,虽然有一些不便,把大学建在农村仍然是个不错的选择。大学,被称为“象牙塔”的地方,应该能够保护学术的纯洁和青年人的单纯,更多的是保护他们不受社会上的嘈杂和不健康的诱惑的伤害,因为他们还没有处理这些事情的社会能力。

My opinion is that as inconvenient it is, Placing universities in rural area is still a good option. universities, being called as "the tower of ivory", is a place that supposed to protect the purity of scholarship and teenagers' simplicity,what is more, to protect them from the chaos and ill temptations from the outside socity, when they still incapable to deal with. 所以我觉得大学应该建在农村。 So I prefer universities to stay in rural area. 如果你有别的观点 补充一下 然后我填进去。 原创。
