
On Excessive Packaing如何写英语作文

01月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以致敬青春放飞梦想为题写一篇作文300字]悄悄的,悄悄的,青春的脚步正匆匆向我们走来。 青春意味着长大,意味着成熟,意味着我们将离开童年那无忧无虑的生活,意味着将承担更复杂的学业,也意味着我们将承担更重的责任。 青春...+阅读

On Excessive Packaging 过度包装

首先,给出你的观点,such as " I do not advocate it." " I contend excessive packaging is a wrong way to promote the product."

然后,分几点详细写出论据。1.It raises the unnecessary cost. And the consumers need to pay more. 2. It uses too much materials and wastes resources. 3. Too much emphasis on the packaging while less focus on the quality of the product. .....等等。

最后,得出结论。Excessive packaging is a waste of money and resources and needs to be controlled.




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