

01月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[精神上的散步作文]我和爸爸爱在街上散步。这种每逢一起散步的习惯,我们已坚持了好多年。 一次,爸爸突然问我;“你觉得我们一起散步和以前有什么不一样?”爸爸的问题敲开了我记忆的大门。 我朦胧地...+阅读

Today our class went on a fieldtrip snow shoeing on Mount Seymour. It was awesome. When we arrived I was amazed by all the snow, the beautiful wild trees, and mountains. At first I thought Mount Seymour was just a random place that had lots of snow, but I soon realized it was much more than that. When I put my snow shoes on they felt uncomfortable. Then it seemed like there was always someone behind me who stepped on them causing me to trip and fall in the snow. Our guides divided our class into three groups: fast, medium, and slow. When we started snow shoeing I learned that Mount Seymour has a lot of wild life. There are owls, rat-like creatures, snow hares, cougars, bob cats and bears. I was happy to know the bears are hibernating now. Our guide showed us different kinds of trees. They were all very old. For example, the yellow cedar has been around for one thousand years. I found that amazing. While we were snow shoeing we saw people skiing and snow boarding. It was really cool to watch. On our way back we saw some sink holes. The guide explained that these were wells of water covered by snow. I realized how dangerous these could be if someone fell into them. When we finished snow shoeing our guides gave everyone a cup of apple cider. It tasted really good. On our way back to school I realized that this fieldtrip was the best in my life.


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