

01月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初一日记大全300字]今天,哥哥不知从何处得了两条大蚕,六条小蚕。我如获至宝,心里乐开了花。连忙感谢哥哥。 我仔细观察它们:原来,蚕身上分成六七个节肢,每个节肢两旁都有像星星似的小黑点。最前面的...+阅读

July 22nd Friday One day, a lovely rabbit went to the beautiful forest. Suddenly a wolf jumped out of the forest and told the rabbit: “Hello, my dear, my love. I love you forever. Can you marry me?” The wolf gave her a big beautiful flower which smelled really good. The rabbit thought for a while then she told the wolf: “OK, no problem, but I want something else, can you give me?” “Of course, if you marry me, I will give you what you want,” the wolf thought, “Hmm, if you marry me I will eat you, so foolish!” The rabbit said: “First I want a big ice; secondly, I want a big treat; thirdly, I want a big mirror. Then I will marry you.” The wolf went to look for a big ice, he climbed a tall mountain, but when he carried some ice with his mouth, the ice is beginning to melt. He did many times, finally he failed so he died. July 27th Wednesday Sunny My Hometown My hometown is very big. I am going to show you around my hometown. First, here is my house. I live in a small house, we have a garden. My mother grows vegetables and flowers in the garden. Outside the garden the garden is a bus stop. It takes about twenty minutes to get to the nearest town. There are lots of buildings there. There is a shopping mall, a youth center and a cinema. There is also a park near the center of the town. My favorite place is the youth center. I often go there with my friends after school. There are lots of things to do there and I am always busy. I like going into town on my bicycle. The town is near the sea. I sometimes go swimming in summer when it's warm and sunny. There is not much pollution in the town because cars cannot go into the center of the town. I have lots of friends here: I think it's a wonderful place to live in. I hope you can come and visit it soon. July 26th Tuesday Sunny In the morning, we see a new friend. Although I don't know his name, I meet him. And I think this boy looks like Edison. He is handsome. Later we make up some short plays and my group also show our play. Our story talks about a magician helping some fishes. And we got No.1. In the afternoon, we play a game. It is so much fun! Although the class is still boring, I think, in our life, we still can find some happiness! Nice mood! Nice weather! Nice day! July 26th Tuesday Sunny Our classroom is big and bright. Opposite the door are clean windows. In the front of the classroom is a platform. Teachers' desk is just on it. A blackboard is on the front wall. There are 30 desks and 50 chairs in our classroom. On the wall next to the blackboard is a map. It is a map of Germany. Our classroom is very clean. Everyone in my class loves our classroom. It's our common home. July 25, 2005 Shadow I went back home this weekend. I have stay at home for almost a month since the summer break began, I never thought stay at home was great when I was at home, but when I came back to home is the best place for me in the world. The strong wind was gone, I feel so sad. The weather become hotter and hotter. I can't bear the sun anymore. As far as I know the swimming pool in this university hasn't done yet, that is so awful. It is the hottest summer in the history of Hangzhou, the temperature stay above 30 degree centigrade every day. The summer becomes hotter and hotter every year, that would be very bad to the earth. July 25, 2005 Monday There was an English songs singing competition last weekend. Our class won the fist prize. We were all very happy. Though I didn't take part in it. I felt nervous for the two contestants. But their behavior was so good that I thought it was no necessary to worry about them. The winner, Chen Liang, lives in the room that is opposite to mine. Before the competition, I could always hear her sing loudly at night. She practiced so hard that I think she deserves to win.


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