

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[优秀作文500字初中最疼我的那个人]我生活在碧草斜阳里,没有阴冷的空气,只有饮醉的温醇,因为有您,我的世界充满光彩,我曾无数次的被感动在您的爱河里,溺水了,可我也原静静窒息. 记得在那些日子里,我的世界是漆黑一片,我...+阅读

I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends


以分享为英语作文题目 8O字右左It is important to share our happiness with others. When I pass an important, win a prize or do a good deed,I will be very happy to share them with others. In t...

以分享为话题写英语作文70We are supposed to express our gratitude to others on Thanksgiving Day. However, we should feel gratitude every day. God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and t...

和他人分享的英语话题作文英语作文-双语阅读:分享友谊的颜色 Finally Indigo spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of...

以分享为话题的英语作文。提示词语分享友谊的颜色 Finally Indigo spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You har...

初中英语作文120字以分享为话题分享快乐 In this world , we can experience various kinds of feelings, for instance, sorrow, happiness, anger, etc. Share your happiness with others not only inc...

以分享为主题的英语作文e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e4b893e5b19e31333335306266It is important to share our happiness with others. When I pass an important, win a prize or do a good deed,I...

以分享为话题的英文作文有哪些分享友谊的颜色Finally Indigo spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hard...

关于分享的英语作文 60词左右MY parents have told me that sharing means happiness.I can't understand.If I have an apple,then I share it with my friends,the rest I can eat is less.why can I...

关于分享的英语作文展开1全部 sharing is a fantasty exerprience that benefits both of you and your friends. For instance, my parents bought Harry Potter series as my birthday prese...
