[我最好的数学老师作文500字]我最好的数学老师 老师就像辛勤的园丁,无忧无虑的浇灌着我们; 老师就像蜡烛,燃烧着我们,照亮了别人。她在我的脑海里是颗最美最亮的星星。我的数学老师性梁,是个温柔体贴、教学认...+阅读
I wish I can fly just like a bird.Every time when I see the birds are flying freely in the sky,I wish I was one of them.I can throw away all of my sadness and agony,become a free and happy person who can fly around the whole world and enjoy my lives.
I wish I can be rich just like Bill Gates.Every time when I see rich people spend their money without thinking,I wish I was one of them.I can live in a big house and drive a luxury car.I can travel around the world,stay in six stars hotels,enjoy spa and many more.I can buy anything I want and I can also help the poor people.
作文我的数学老师500字怎么写我的老师 在我眼前,时常浮现出那张熟悉、亲切、令我永远难忘的脸庞,她便是给我印象最深刻的,我的小学老师—— 祁丽。 那时,我才读三年级,那时的我任性、骄傲、爱耍小脾气。有一...
作文:我的数学老师女的500字我的数学老师,他的身体强壮,个子高高的,有一双大大的眼睛,他很幽默,上课时总讲一些笑话,逗得我们笑把我们笑的肚子疼,把一节课的时间都讲笑话,没怎么上课。 我们很喜欢他,可是就是今...
我数学老师作文500字 7件事想起了四年级的数学老师,数学老师姓陈,她个子高高的,瘦瘦的,有着一副严肃的脸,一双水汪汪的的大眼睛。 记得我刚升上四年级的时候,数学总在八十到九十中间徘徊,不上九十分,是陈老师...
我心目中的数学老师作文500字五年级水平就可以我心目中的数学老师 转眼间,在母校的日子像断了线的风筝越飞越远了,快要飞得无影无踪了。我们学校小学毕业的向往去处就是上外附中。我经过一番努力考上了许多人向往的上外附...
我的南湖小学数学老师杨老师作文500字在四年的小学生活中,许多老师都曾经耐心地教导过我,细心地呵护过我,让我茁壮成长。但令我印象最深的还是杨老师。 杨老师既是班主任又是我们的语文老师。她中等身材,那乌黑发亮...
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有关创新话题的英语作文According to a report from the Digital Future Project in the U.S.,the overall Internet access has risen to its highest level in the last four years;about three-...
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英语创新写作 My neighbor next door enjoysEvery one will encounter some disturbing things and I am not excepted. My neighbor next door enjoys listening music very much and usually listens until midnight...