

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[优秀作文句子优美励志]1、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走完。 2、只有过不去的红灯,没有过不下去的日子 3、这个社会是存在不公平的,不要抱怨,因为没有用!抄人总是在反省中进步的! 4、原以为“得不到”...+阅读

My View on the Income

Ever since the inception of China's open door policy,the country's economy has greatly improved in recent decades.Nevertheless,the new prosperity brought with it income disparity.the income gap has become a prevalent phenomenon in the society.

people have different opinions on this issue since opinions are motivated by people's self insterest brought forth by their social economic status.some people see the further expansion of the income gap as undesirable for what the country and the principle it stands for,for they think the phenomenon should not be existed in a republic,because the income gap between people could lead to social instability.

Despite the others hold positive view on the issue,they dont see the country will be harmed by the income gap.

As for me ,the latter view seems more acceptable.For one thing,as in a competitive society,people should get a higher salary if they work harder,besides,competition is what drives development.

"For another,the people with low income can get consciouness throught the income gap,for a better life,it required them to enhance their skills and learn more ,which is very essential to them."---i dont get what u are saying here

Therefore,I believe the income gap is not a cause for concern.


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