

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[托福的作文要怎么写有好点的练习方法吗]新托福作文包括两个部分,一是综合写作部分,即integrated task,另一部分为独立写作部分,即independent task。对于综合写作部分,由于考察的TOPIC一定是一些academic topic,一般考生...+阅读

本人27,之前的练习。 Thegovernment should support the scientific research even it has no practical use. Science push our life to make progress. Some people consider that government should not support the research that has no practical use because of it will waste a lot of money while the others show strong disapproval on this point. However, in my stand point, it is necessary for government to support the scientific even it has no practical because of the use in the future, the inspiration of science for children. First of all, the scientific research that has no practical use in the current time does not stand for it would not have any use in the future. If the scientific research may have some practical use in the future, then it must requires a lot of basic research before. So it will be necessary for us to do some research even it has no practical at the current time,so today's scientific reseasrch that seems no practical use may be the foundation of another great contrituion someday in the future. For example, Faraday, being a famous scientist in the electricity area, did a large amount of research of how to make the magnetism into electricity. It had no use at all at that time. But it lights our night today, which make our working time much longer and there are a larger quantity of invent base on what Faraday he did. So the government should support the scientific research that has no practical use currently. Secondly, the scientific research can inspire the people to study the science and contribute to the science, especially some young children. If the government support the scientific research that is really interesting even it has no use, then it would attract the young children to learn what it is. And it may lead the children to fall in love with the science, which make then to start to learn the science, and they would be the significant people in the future to do some hard scientific research, which can make use of in or daily life. For example, my uncle, being a scientists in a famous research center in China, has done a lot of research yet. And he told me that he read an interesting research in the book, though the research has not recognized yet, he fell in love with the science. And he study the science very hard, as a result, he achieve his dream and he has done a lot of research that has realistic use. We can easily draw the conclusion that government should support the scientific research even it has no use because of the use of the research in the future and the inspiration of science for young children.





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