

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[作文怎样写好开头]采纳答案鼓励下亲谢谢 开头方法之一:开门见山话题点穿诚实守信,是我们中华民族的优良传统。千百年来,人们讲求诚信,推崇诚信。诚信之风质朴醇厚,历史越悠久,诚信之气越充盈中华,诚...+阅读

Night, quietly, moonlight shines on earth, like a layer of gauze, but also like a thick layer of frost. This reminds me down Li Bai's "Moonlight, the suspect is frost on the ground," a poem. Moonlight is so pure, so true. Stars in the sky, like an a naughty child, do not pay attention while Moon Mother quietly in the sky wearing a few Xiaodong Dong. Put that little twinkling eyes looking at the earth, as in what to look for. And the moon mother was there, with wisps Qingyun danced a beautiful dance. It radiated light, is so soft. Everything under irradiation in the moonlight, everything becomes a silver-white, like a layer of frost covered. I walked into a fairy tale world, a beautiful world. It was so amazing. The river, the bright moon reflected footmarks. I picked up a stone and threw the river. Layers of waves from the river that the microwave. The river moon shake ups and downs. Like a sickle, deemed incomplete basin. Ground, lit. Every household lights lit, I really like stars in the sky. Road, a vehicle "Jun Ma" In flying, that two big eyes wide open for the automotive light the way, illuminate the road as day. Bamboo, bamboo is moonlight shone silvery white, a gust of wind blowing, sounded wonderful music. Ah! Beautiful night Yeah, and I'm proud of America, I will always love you.


怎样才能写好作文的开头1、由新颖形象的比喻入题,直接扣题 “理智和情感是人类生活中的两只脚印,人类在认知事物的道路上的每一次成长都和他们的理智及情感有关。”(江苏考生《天平和七弦琴》) 将理智...

我喜欢的一处风景作文要多少字的呢?没写明啊,那就暂时写一部分,如果合适,你就自己延伸并增删了。 我喜欢的一处风景 我喜欢的一处风景,不是由获得过无数大奖的建筑艺术家们设计出来的一幢幢可媲美海市...

最喜欢的地方的景色的作文我喜欢北海公园,这里环境优雅,风景迷人。 走进公园的大门,就可以看到这里绿柳成茵。向远望去,即能看见白塔高高耸立在青山上,再将视线向下拉,就是一个大湖,湖水碧绿。往里走,就能见...

写景作文 400字我最喜欢的一处风景我最喜爱的美丽风景 世界上有许多迷人的风景,每人的心中也会有自己认为是最美的一处风景,也许是雄伟的中国长城,也许是气势磅礴的黄果树瀑布,也许是别人的一句问候,也许是百花齐...


我最喜欢的一处风景作文夜,静静的,月光照在大地上,仿佛是一层轻纱,又仿佛是一层浓霜。这倒使我想起李白的“床前明月光,疑是地上霜”诗句。月光是那么纯,那么真。 天上的星星,像是一个个调皮的小孩子,趁月...


我最喜欢的一处景物作文校园春色 春姑娘来了。她送走冬天的冷气,带着温暖的风雨阳光,步入我们的校园。她用那双灵巧的手把校园装饰得犹如天堂一般,美不胜收。 那操场上的小草,在春风的吹拂和细雨的滋补...

