

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急求一篇英语作文邀请函]July 30, 2007 Dear Mr. White, Excuse my being unable to see you and your wife off. Every time I recollect our close fiendship over the last few years. I am pers...+阅读

IamLiHhua,IamaGuangmingMiddlestudent,或者是Istudyat GuangmingMddleschool,IandLiuyingaregoodfriends,IamgoodatstudyorIdowellinstudy,Ioften getgoodgades,soIalsohelpLiuyingwithhisstudy,orIalsohelphim.Atlastexamas,Liuying'sgradesisgoodthanLihua,but,Idon'tunhappy,becausemy bestfriendsismoregoodthanme,soIamveryhappy,Ihopewecangetbettergrades,wemustworkharderinschool,thatcanhelpusgetgoodgrades.Comeon.webelievewearebeststudent。可能不太好,请谅解,你在修改修改吧。

Mydearfriend: I'mLiHua.I'majuniorhighschoolstudentliveinShanghai.IlikecollectingstampsandIlikesports.I'minterestedinEnglishandIcansingalotofEnglishsongs.Someofmyclassmatesalsowanttomakefriendsontheinternet.Weneedyourhelp. LiHua 日期



我的老师作文 100字英语我的英语老师 初一的第一节英语课,门口进来一位中等个子,长头发的女青年。上下一打量,20岁左右,个头小于等于1米6。这大概就是我们的英语老师吧!此人发话了:“丑话说在前面,我脾气...

英语作文我的老师My Teacher 我的老师My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smil...

我的英语老师英语作文this year, our English teacher is change for some reason. her faminly name is called Tang,we called her MS.tang. she looks really nice. she is not very tall, as...

1英语作文我的老师以外貌性格职业为主线 100个单词 2购1. My Teacher My english teacher is nice looking lady, she doesn't only have a beautiful face, but also a nice person. Everytime I ask her something, she is alw...

英语作文带翻译100字左右题目 My favorite teacherMy favorite teacher The teacher I like best is a Chinese teacher.She is a gentle teacher,although sometimes she is tough but I still love her.She is very beauti...

求初一英语作文:电影海报和服装店广告Come and buy your clothes at Mr ku's clothes store.We have lots of clothes.we have tshirt at a very good price.for only 25$.we have biack and biue hats for 15$....

英语作文毕业后如何找到好工作200字What do I want to do when I m older? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport. Someone wants to be a...

毕业后找一份安逸的工作的英语作文I was born in the city of Dalian, Liaoning Province. I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. Then I entered NO. 6 Middle School where I mainly...

英语作文我毕业之后渴望的工作250Always like, in a certain window, see him waiting for the figure, as well as he occasionally turned to see my face. I always used to smile, from his side, and t...
