

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于改善河水环境的建议书作文]尊敬的县长: 您好! 我是城关小学六年级4班的,我生活在这个美丽具有现代化气息的枣乡,但在这个美丽的大花园中,也有许多不尽人意的地方。 就拿雪晶公司来说,这个公司常年将废气,废渣...+阅读

go, It is indispensible to both animal life and human life. We get heat energy from the food we eat, light energy from the sun and electricity from water. In the hot summer when there ia a power outage we feel all the more the need for electric energy which powers the electric fan md air-conditioner. There are different sources of energy. The rivers and streams are a good source for electrie energy. The san provides us with light, heat and electricity. There is also sound energy in the radio transformed from electric energy. The energy can be changed from one form to another. It can never be exhausted nor reproduced. It just goes on changing in cycles. It is important for us to make use of energy is being made to generate electricity, to cook and to bathe. Atomic energy is used in industry and aviation


以母亲的爱为题写一篇不少于600字的作文母亲的爱 “世上只有妈妈好,有妈的孩子像块宝……”,每当听到这嘹亮而又深沉的歌,我就想起妈妈对我的爱,我的心就像大海掀起了波浪,久久不能平静。 我小时候体弱多病,经常感冒发烧...

求写母亲的爱的作文 400字左右急母亲的爱 “爱”一个多么温馨的字眼,假使让它连词母爱,想必每个人的心里都会泛起一阵暖潮。有人说母爱是什么恐怕只有自己尝试了才知道。 母爱是充满泪水的眼眶。记得小时我有...



写一篇关于妈妈的爱的作文妈妈的爱作文400字 俗话说“世上只有妈妈好,有妈的孩子像块宝”。我这个有妈的孩子也像块宝似的,不信,你往下看吧!我的妈妈是一名小学教师,她中等个子,一双大大的眼睛下面长着一张...

英语作文寒假的打算急winter holiday is a good time to every student, I am is not an exception. In this winter holiday, I enact a plan to myself. because health is very important to...

母亲的爱作文 500字以上自己想的父母的爱 “世上只有妈妈好”,这句歌词已经传唱了几十年,它伴随着一个个可爱的孩子健康茁壮地成长,它反映了一个母亲对自己儿女的爱。其实,不仅是母亲,父亲也是这样的。我们每个...

以妈妈的爱为题的作文唠叨中的爱 “xx,又在磨蹭吧!动作快点!”“写字头抬高点儿!”“字工整点儿!”“写作业认真一点儿!”听,妈妈又开始唠叨了。妈妈的唠叨,还真像电脑里的“复制”功能,每天都要重复无数...

英语作文:寒假的计划winter holiday is coming . I will make some plans for it .First I want to join a music club because I like music but don't have free time when at school.Second...
