
帮我写个英语作文题目是 trust要求120词 1相互信任是人与

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于亲情的作文 400字]母爱是一种巨大的火焰,母爱是一缕温暖的阳光,我们在母亲的怀抱里长大,我们都能感受到母亲对我们的爱。我把母亲的爱收于心底,今天我把它拿出来与大家分享。 那是一个星期五,天上...+阅读

希望我的回答对您有所帮助 Can people trust each other? I think we can trust each other in our country. Firstly, as is known to all, our country is devoted to build a harmonious society. What is harmonious society? For us, it's a world full of honest, friendly atmosphere, justice, fair and open competition between social members, regions and departments. Imagine that everybody of us won't trust each other any more, how can the beautiful “harmonious society” come true? You may say that here are so many problems and contradictions around us. Everyone seems to look at others with suspicion. Every home there must be with an anti-theft door to keep safe. Some new bicycles are locked with two locks, but even that cannot prevent them from being stolen. But do you know that it is a normal phenomenon in every country, even the most developed USA? To protect your own possession is one of your daily task, not others'. Secondly, mutual trust is also essential for making a real friend. A slight smile when we meet each other will shorten our distance. Loyalty is the basic foundation for people to trust and communicate with each other, thus, keep the society in harmony. Admittedly, relationships are established on mutual trust and loyalty which cannot be easily altered to maintain genuine relationships. Of course, it is a fact that deceiving is a threat to the stability of our society. Deceivers damage the principals of social “games”. More over, they destroy the backbone-trust, which our society depends on. But it is a fact that you can only avoid or keep away from rather than put an end to. In that situation, why do we sigh there instead of confronting it? What shall we do to end up the unexpected atmosphere? Firstly we should be honest, and treat other people with an open mind. Secondly, for the poor, we should give them a hand 有一点多拉。

。可以自己删减一下哈~ 肯定是对的。 希望可以帮你。 给我分~~!!!



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