

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求一篇关于通知的英语作文]Lost My cellphone is produced by the Nokia Corporation,and the color is black .I lost it on the playground on the afternoon of Nov.24.I'm very upset now ,for th...+阅读

In the past. Now I finally understand how they feel when I laugh at them. 第三段就写对你的启示和影响, one day, I made some silly mistakes. 这里就写你的错误。 I was then laughed at by my classmates whom I used to laugh at. I felt so sad and embarrassed,我提供一个例子, I always laughed at others when they made some silly mistakes. I always laughed at them loudly without considering their feelings. 第二段. We should cooperate with each other rather than laughing at each other,你可以描述自己是怎么被嘲笑的,一般被嘲笑都是干了一些比较搞笑的事情:However,于是再也不嘲笑别人了。这样的立意比较深刻。第一段,你可以描述一下你是怎么嘲笑别人的,这样是不对的之类的话。我提供给你例子:Now I realize that it is incorrect to laugh at others. Instead we should help them with the difficulties they face我觉得你可以写年少无知,然后一直嘲笑别人,我提供一些语句,说再也不能嘲笑别人,然后后来自己被嘲笑才明白滋味不好受


写1篇初中英语作文通知Notice Dear teachers and students,we are going to invite Miss/r Li to hold a report of ways of leaning English. You are required to present on time at 1:30, and...

80字的英语作文通知In order to keep our school clean and tidy. Please follow the instructions. Don't spit on the ground. Don't litter things. Put the rubbish into the dustbin. Don...

英语写一则通知参考一下: 1. 早上8点在校门口集合,步行前往。 2. 参观是要认真听,仔细看,并记下有趣的东西。 3. 不可在博物馆内大胜喧哗及拍照。 4. 自带钢笔和笔记本。 5. 下星期要交一份关...

关于通知的英语作文The company will be organized by learning how to operate a new system of training courses to fulfill orders, hoping that all the class and group leaders to lear...

书面通知英语作文Attention, please. I have an announcement to make. We are going to visit the History Museum this Saturday. We are going to meet at the school gate at eight in t...


求800字作文范文要求见帖内内容创业中的蜗牛精神 世界上能登上金字塔顶的动物除了拥有一双矫健翅膀的雄鹰之外,那恐怕就是蜗牛了。 蜗牛有一个厚重笨拙的螺旋形外壳,外壳的主要成分是碳酸钙,非常坚硬,既是蜗牛...


深爱无痕800字作文大全一片雪花落在地上,瞬间,它化作了一滴水;一滴水,在阳光下,慢慢干涸,留下了一痕水印;一叶小舟在河中划行,身后留下了一条长长的波纹…… 那么我问你:“什么东西在我们身边经过,却没有一...
