

01月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[培训类:雅思考试写作题型需要知道哪些]培训类:雅思考试写作题型需要知道哪些 雅思考试写作(学术类)部分总共用时60分钟,考生需完成两篇作文的写作要求。 作文一 在作文一中,考生需根据题目中的问题或者事件写一封私人...+阅读

雅思写作大作文高分范文:国际旅游是不是一件坏事?In some countries, people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country. What are the reasons for this? How to change their views?雅思写作思路点拨题目的类型属于report。在段落分配上,可以把理由归为一段,并针对理由的变化为一段或者理由和对应的改变方法为一段。范文主体思路分析:原因一:外来游客的行为会激怒当地人,因为他们不遵守当地的习俗对策一:政府可以在地方做引导,设置文化小贴士原因二:外来游客的旅行本身也会带来他们国家的文化特征,对于种族意识强烈的国家是一种伤害对策二:政府可以引导当地人改变想法,对这种行为持宽容态度,旅行更多的只是文化交流雅思写作大作文范文Traveling abroad has become a new lifestyle nowadays. However, complaints about the potential negative effects of international travel have been sparked among the public in recent years. This essay will outline two main reasons for these complaints and provide certain measures to change the opinion.如今,出国旅行已成为一种新的生活方式。

然而,近年来,公众对国际旅行可能产生的负面影响的抱怨已经在公众中引发了。本文将概述这些投诉的两个主要原因,并提出一些改变意见的措施。First of all, it is a widespread phenomenon that foreign travelers might repel the local community because of their inappropriate languages and behavior in some resorts. Due to the cultural differences, visitors' behavior may break traditional rules in travel destinations sometimes. For example, a visitor will annoy an Indian when he passes food by his left hand. For this reason, the local government can take actions to provide more specific travelling tips in popular scene spots for foreign travelers.首先,这是一个普遍的现象,外国游客可能会排斥当地社区,因为他们在一些旅游胜地的语言和行为不恰当。

由于文化差异,游客的行为有时会打破旅游目的地的传统规则。例如,当一个印度人用左手递食物时,会惹怒印度人。出于这个原因,当地政府可以采取行动,为外国游客提供更具体的旅游景点。In addition, more and more transnational travels will cause damage to the unique nature of a culture. Foreign visitors will bring not only tangible matters like food and clothes but also something intangible, such as their festivals or customs. In other words, these visitors are assimilating their country's culture while they are traveling abroad, which will be bound to cause antipathy in racist society. Germany is a case in point. For this reason, the government can encourage locals to hold a tolerant attitude toward foreign arrivals as they have no common knowledge of local conventions in most times. Traveling is for cultural communication instead of invasion.此外,越来越多的跨国旅行将对一种文化的独特性质造成损害。


旅行是为了文化交流而不是入侵。In conclusion, breaking conventions and cultural uniqueness are the two main factors leading to the bias regarding international tourism. Both governments and individuals should make an effort to change this phenomenon.总之,打破常规和文化独特性是导致国际旅游偏见的两个主要因素。政府和个人都应该努力改变这种现象。


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