
从高考角度写:英语作文:My hometown

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com


My hometown

I come from Zibo that is a city in Shandong Province. It is a deautiful city. But I don't live in downtown. I live in a more beautiful place near downtown called Boshan. There are a lot of mountains in my hometown. And a river which called Xiaofu river through our city.And there are a legend about the river. Long long ago, a young woman whose name is Yan Wenjiang married. But her husband died very early. So she became a widow.She was very filial,but her husband' mother was very bad. She always made trouble to Yan. She asked Yan to carry some water everyday and the spring was far away from their home. And the bucket's bottomis not level, but sharp. So yan couldn't have a rest on the way to home. One day yan Wenjiang met a supernatural being and helped him. So he gave she a rope and said:"If you put the rop in your jar, you needn't carry water everyday. But mustn't tell anyone."Many days past, mother found that yan did not carry water , but there is also much water. So she looked into the jar and found the rope. At that moment, a lot of water gushed from the jar and it lasted 3 days. The water flowed together and became a river. How interesting!

In my hometown,the air is clean and fresh, the tree in the mountains without any dusts and the river is crystal. But about 50 years ago,my hometown was a industrual products.There are many coals .The air and water was polluted. The city became very dirty. But now my hometown isn't a industrial products. It is developing the tourism. My hometown is becoming more beautiful than before.

I love my hometown. I miss it. I feel proud of my hometown.


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