

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学毕业生自我评价]自我评价 回顾这三年的中学生活,通过老师的悉心教导和自身的勤奋努力,我已成为一名合格的中学生。 在思想上,我有良好的道德修养。我热爱祖国,爱护公物,尊敬师长,举止文雅,言语文明...+阅读

I am a student of STU. This semester, I also had marketing class, which is compulsory course for my major. At first, I thought this was just a class for grade, and I just focused on the speculative knowledge. After about one week, we were asked to do a project through this semester and had presentation and report at the end of this semester. During this period, I learnt a lot. How to combine knowledge with practice and how to adapt the reality is very significant and also needs our further study and discovery. Besides, my group really tried best to do the project. My duty was to make the marketing analysis and do some promotion strategies, which needs both data and basic knowledge. I actually read the book for many times in order to cultivate my ideas. I know how to talk with others to get the information I want and also offer something I have to help others. I know the team work is very complex but also amazing if you have a good command of it. I know instead of just reading books, practicsing is the only way to check out the thoughts whether they are suitable for situation. No matter what problem there is, the first step we need to do is to face it bravely, and then find out the solution. Through this semester, I learnt a lots and have a more clear knowing about myself. I can do many things. I am not a bookish. I can read a whole English book. I can go out for a try as soon as I want. Marketing is really a fantastic class for business college student to learn. Hope everyone majoring in marketing can get what they want.



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