

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[仙人掌借物喻人500字的作文]赞美仙人掌 仙人掌虽然平凡,却有着顽强的生命力。仙人掌的故乡是终年干旱的地区,严酷的自然条件淘汰了弱者,仙人掌是强者,它几乎是不死的。无论是在孤寂中还是被遗忘;无论在蔑视...+阅读

Most of Child-hood dreams are creative or crazy. I'd love to listen to everyone's childhood dreams. lots of people never done their childhood dreams, but chasing the dream is great propulsion to change their lives, sometimes, unexpected things would happen. During my curiosity personality, I heard a strong fireman who wanted to be a Disneyland toy maker, and I would like to share my child-hood today.

My child-hood dream was created by my dad indirectly, and that was to build a school for some children who could not pay their school fee in China. Certainly, my school also provides food, a place to live and education of high quality, it would need a lot of money to build a school, but nothing could stop me from pursuing the goals. On the other hand, I unearth some ways to run this school. For our students , I would require them to sign a contract, the terms of the agreement are: Firstly, they needn't to contribute 5% of the salary for the school until they have helped three children like them in China. There are two advantages of this contract. It would be a large income from them, thus, it would cover lots of expenditure. Secondly , the number of the beneficiary could have a rapid increase.

Therefore , maybe I can not complete this dream , I would suggest my son to do it. I hope you would hear about The School of XXX in China. When you hear anything about this name of school, it means I have succeed. 我能看到的,应该还有错啊


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