

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初三开学打算作文]在我心中,初中就是一部交响曲。它演奏着生活琴弦上的一个个音符,使生命的旋律变得丰富而多彩。 它意味着我们又长大了,该向新的目标奋斗了。看到同学和老师亲切的笑脸,心中不禁...+阅读

My friend

My friend is XXX.He is XX years old.He is a good boy.He has(因为he是第三人称单数,所以have改为has) good grades(成绩) .He likes reading books and playing baskerball(篮球),so he usually plays basketball with me.His favorite subject is math.He likes dog,beacuse he thinks it's very lovable(可爱) and beautiful.

This is my friend.How about you?(你呢?)


即将到来的初三计划作文新的学期即将到来,为了使下学期的学习成绩进步、各科成绩优异、不偏科,在此做新学期的打算,如下: 一、做好预习。预习是学好各科的第一个环节,所以预习应做到:1、粗读教材,找出这节...


急求初三学习计划作文谢谢各位帮帮忙吧初三的节奏比以前快多了,这点是不言而喻的。每个人拥有的时间都是一样的。然而,为什么同样辛苦拼搏了一个学年,结果却无法皆大欢喜呢? 这包含许多原因,其中重要的一条就是会不会...

新打算作文初三新打算 秋风送爽,丹桂飘香。在凉风的催促和同学们的期盼下,新学期终于开学了。 一个漫长的暑假已过去,迎来的是一个美好的学期。迎着早晨的第一缕阳光,我们又重新回到美丽的校园...

我的好朋友英语作文 60个词的谢Friends are very important to us in our life. Everyone needs some good friends. A life without a friend is like one without sun. Do you want to know my best fri...

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我的朋友英语作文60字就行要快My Friend I have many friends. But I have only one true friend.She(He)can listen to me carefully. She can give me more advice. When I am down,the world feels da...

My Friend 60词的英语作文1.My friend I have a good friend. She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and...

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