

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求一篇关于加拿大风俗习惯的作文]加拿大人多数系欧洲移民后裔,故其生活习俗多与欧洲及美国人大致相同。 家庭 加拿大人的家庭以3-4口人为多(即夫妇俩和1-2个子女)。独居者或多子女的家庭很少。父母亲非常注意培...+阅读

Habits have a great effect on a person's life.So in order to improve our living standard,we should develop more good habits,such as going to bed early,washing hands before meals and doing exercises in the morning .

However,some bad habits can spoil our lives,for example,smoking and staying up late at night,which are bad for a perpon'health.

Therefore,possessing good habits can people enjoy life better,why not change your bad nabits into possitive ones?


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我的坏习惯英语作文 60字左右I have some bad habbits. For example, sometimes I do my homework slowly, and stay up till very late. During meals I prefer meat to vegetables. And sometimes I p...

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