

12月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[读书心得800字作文]“读书”一听到这个词多么熟悉啊!懂得读书的人就会体会到“书中自有黄金屋 ,书中自有颜如玉”是怎么回事。 喜欢读书的人,时把心思投入进去,身临其境。在书中他看到了雄伟壮丽的...+阅读

About the future life of the human being Today, we will talk about an interested topic. What kind of life will we live in 2050? We can imagine the science and technology is very advanced. Some of us can take a holidy in the moon. Some scientists can live under the ocean. Every family will have videophone and can do physical examination and shopping through the videophone. Otherwise, the children can accept the education through the visual broadcast at home. The robot can help you to do housework. Is it an amazing? Believe it or not, it will come true.


朝花夕拾的读后感原创八百字左右初一作文手捧鲁迅先生的《朝花夕拾》,品味着从字里行间透露出年少轻狂时的童真,神思似乎也飘向了那份曾经属于我们的逍遥日子。 《朝花夕拾》,正同于它另类的名字一样,这本脍炙人口的巨...

800字作文大全读后感很喜欢越剧,喜欢听这优雅清丽的乐曲,喜欢看这高雅优美的动作,如此古老的乐曲,竟让人有一股如沐春风的神韵。 小时候,从不知何为乐曲,只因外婆喜欢,懵懵懂懂地跟着她,搬一条小板凳,在...

有关读后感的800字作文要新颖速求!读《自己的花是让别人看的》有感_读后感初中800字 今天,我们上了一篇季羡林写的文章——《自己的花是让别人看的》。你想知道文章的大体意思是什么吗?就让我来告诉你吧! 这篇课...

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英语作文100字左右Last sunday, it was a fine day. My friend and I went to Mount Daifu. In the morning,we rode bikes to the foot of the mountain.After a short rest,we climbed the...

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