

12月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[可爱的小猫作文]我家有只小猫,它身穿一件洁白的大衣,好像一位绅士。耳朵尖尖的,鼻子圆圆的,大腿粗粗的,尾巴长长的,样子可爱极了。 每天清晨,它就睁开那朦胧的睡眼,喵喵地叫个不停,似乎在抱怨昨晚上...+阅读

Refuse to indifference, passes warmthA small yue yue events, let the Chinese thoroughly reflection.In the weak and before the life, how can we choose indifference, refused to lend a hand?The moral of torture, his conscience, good call, constantly keep we asked ourselves: I was a qualified citizen?We believe that more people will not let my soul destruction down, more people are heart has a group of the fire of warm kind. We are willing to help meet difficult and dangerous man, like the ancient sages mencius said, everyone has pity. Although the coexistence of good and evil, but as long as we stick to a little more than good, evil will be less. As long as we zealous a little, and the world will be as warm a bit.Even if small jinfenshijia will let us heartache events, we also should not sit on the sigh "going to the dogs," or even "ride", also let oneself become indifferent up. In fact, in our side, there are a lot of a lot of enthusiastic help everyone, devote, insist on the good man. Do you still remember that group in order to save a police car accident and catching up with the taxi driver? Do you still remember the in the rain for a beggar hold up an umbrella kind girl? Do you still remember that in order to save and break a leg beautiful girl? Do you remember, in you life in the community, those eager to remind you to lock the door abai dama? Sometimes, maybe we'll you forget about the warm-hearted man, but this is in the world of every once warm, comes from the heart of their heat.In this, our initiative, found that side warm-hearted, say they, and transfer the warm. Winter has come, this is just the cold season, but, warm pass it on, this winter will not become moral winter!


作文:可爱的小猫2oo字展开全部 我家有一只小猫,它是我阿姨送给我的。它刚到我家的时候才刚满月,那时它的头又圆又大,像一个“大足球”,它的身体显得十分瘦小,它的耳朵是直竖的,耳孔朝前,它的眼睛晶莹剔...

可爱的小猫作文题目我奶奶家刚养了一只性格百变、动作灵活的小猫。 它有一身灰白色的皮毛,三角形的耳朵,一双瞪得大大的绿莹莹的眼睛,倒了晚上,犹如两颗闪闪发亮的绿宝石。它的黑色小鼻子极其灵敏,...

可爱的小猫作文100个字弟弟家的小猫咪咪一直很乖,但最近真像发了精神病一样,一会儿从楼上奔到楼下,一会儿又从楼下跑到楼上跑到楼上,有时还窜到弟弟的卧室乱翻一通,真搞不懂它想干什么。 这回,它又不安...


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