

12月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[作文为我你唱首歌]让我为你唱一首歌 全世界都陪你听着 这是爱 你会明白 你是唯一 不可替代 让我为你唱一首歌 闭上眼睛 把心交给我 这一刻 要你听见幸福的颜色 琴弦的快乐 在我手中为你颤抖着...+阅读

Hello,everyone.My name is///.I'm twelve years old.I am a Middle school student. I was born in Panjin,It is an beautiful city. Now I study in Bohai No.1 Middle School.I'm in Class Three,Grade Two.There are thirteen-five students in our class.We have four classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon.Our classes begin at 7:00 and end at 17:00.I love my teachers and my classmates.They are all very nice. There are three people in My family,my father my morther ang I. My father is a worker.He works in a factory. My mother is a worker,too.She works in Xinghai street. I like our family. I am good at math and Chinese.My English is so-so,but I often listening speaking reading and writing.I really like English very much. My favourite sport is football ang I like it very much.I'm good at computers.I hope to become a computer expert when I grow up.I will study hard to make my dream come true. Thank you! Best wishes to you !


为你唱首歌800字作文当灵魂被您浇灌后 ,飘逸出来的是一阵芳香。一路从灵魂的荒漠走来 ,你是我沿途唯一的绿洲。我想为您唱支歌 ,妈妈。 时光悄然流逝 ,找不到往事走过的脚印。如今 ,我已挤在了高中生...

为你唱首歌作文炽热的风熏着苍绿的大地,焦炙的太阳烘烤着无助的行人。从宿舍里艰难的迈出第一步,而后我们便要永不停息的走下去—去教室,周而复始。 宝蓝色的苍穹稍见迷茫,星光隐隐退去,是那盏...

我想为你唱支歌作文篇三:我想为你唱首歌作文 当我们还在温暖的被窝里做美梦时,有几道橘红色的火焰已经开始在大街上、公园里燃烧起来了。 火焰蔓延到哪儿,哪儿的赃物便蒸发完了。他们有一个响亮的...

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