

12月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写一篇欲扬先抑的作文 650字]几年前,办公室前有一棵木棉树,足 有四层楼那么高,想必已经在那里生长很 久了。不过,我却不大喜欢它,因为它让 我的办公室变得昏暗,阻碍了我眺望远景 的视线。木棉树的外形也不好看...+阅读

My future When the night falls down I used to look up to the winking(闪烁的) stars and wondering(猜想) about my futuer.Actully (事实上)I do not have a certain(确定的) plan for it ,but I do believe that my future will be a shinging(闪耀的) one. I have a lot of dreams about my future.I once hoped I could be a sport man so that I could represent(代表) my country to compete in the olympics.Another moment I wished I could be a super star cause I like to be chased by fans. And my dreams are too many to describe(描述),but surely through my hard work I will make at least one of them come true. 当夜幕降临,我常常望着夜空闪烁的星星猜想着我的未来,事实上,我对它并没有明确的计划,但我却相信我的未来是最闪耀的。我的未来有很多梦想,我曾经梦想自己是一个超人,来代表国家参加奥运会。之后我梦想可以成为一个超级明星,因为我喜欢被粉丝追捧。我有太多描述不尽的梦想,但我确信将来可以通过我的努力使它们成为现实。


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