

12月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于健康快乐成长的英语演讲稿拜托了!100字左右]Good morning everyone.My topic is how to grow up healthily and happily.i think every young man want to grow up healthily and happily.certainly,it's my dream too...+阅读

良好的开端是成功的一半。”写英语作文也是如此。一个好的开头对于写好作文非常重要。英语作文怎样开头?下面我们就一起来学习一些英语作文的典型开头方法。 开门见山,直入正题——在文章的开头就直接点明主题。如作文“I Have a Dream”(《我有一个梦想》)的开头是这样的: My dream is to be a doctor. And I have never changed my mind till now. 引用名言警句,推出主题——在文章开头引用一些名言或警句,以此来引出自己的观点,也是一种不错的方法。如作文“Computer Games”(《电脑游戏》)的开头: There's a well-known saying “As one coin has two sides everything has its advantages and disadvantages.” Computer games are no exception. It has brought us both advantages and disadvantages. 描述现象,引发主题——这种写法要求先描述一种普遍存在的现象,然后再发表对该现象的看法和观点,从而点明主题。如作文“Say 'No' to Smoking”(《对吸烟说“不”》)的开头: Nowadays smoking is popular. Even some teenagers smoke. If you ask them “Why do you smoke?” They might answer “It looks cool.” Is it really a cool thing? I'm afraid I can't agree. 陈述人们对讨论话题的不同看法,然后提出自己的观点——引用人们对某一话题不同观点的阐释后,提出自己的看法。如作文“ My Best Friend”(《我最要好的朋友》)的开头: “Best Friend” may have different definitions to different people. A child may regard the ones who always whisper to him as his best friends. The young boys may regard the ones who always play with them as their best friends. To me “Best friend” is the one who I like best and we are faithful to each other. 自问自答,引出主题——这种方式要求针对某话题先提出问题,然后给予解答,通过答案的方式来呈现观点。如作文“What I Want to Be When I Grow Up?”(《我长大了要做什么?》)的开头: What I Want to Be When I Grow Up? My answer is “an English interpreter”. Why do I hope to become an English interpreter? There are two reasons. 以生活事件开篇,导出全文主题——从身边熟悉的人或事引发感想,导出主题,显得自然、贴切。如作文“Fast Food”(《快餐》)的开头: When my seven-year-old brother behaves well in school he will ask for nothing but “KFC” as reward. As a matter of fact we would find it difficult to refuse such attraction of fast food too. But why are they so popular?


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