

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[考研英语预测?]考研英语预测推荐选择 红宝书】考研英语考前预测—(最后冲刺3套题) 不错!很受考生们的青睐!【红宝书】考研英语命题研究组 编著 世界图书出版公司出版【红宝书】 考研英语考前预...+阅读

Today is the first day of 2009 in the lunar calendar.There is no something special any more.That is because I have grow up.Several days ago a student I knew him on the internet asked me whether I liked spring festival.I said I am older.No feeling.He told me that he liked it because he could got some money during the spring festival.Yeah!We are the persons who do that.I could understand the mood of a child when the spring festival is coming. However,for me it is no longer the same as before since this year.I don't mean that I couldn't get money any more during the spring festival.I mean that from this year I have to work hard for my future,even for all my life.Now I am a teacher.Is it good or bad?There is no complete agreement among people.Some persons think that teacher is the iron bowl.We needn't to worry about our lives at all since we become the teachers.However,others consider that the teacher's salary is very low.It is hard to offer the money to the hole family.especially as a man.What could I do?Will I be a teacher forever?If I can find a good job.I won't be a teacher for a long time.People all over the world know that it is easier said than done.A good job,If one person always stay at home and do nothing.Whether he could get a good job.The answer we all know well.For example,if there are fifty thousand out of your house,you are very lazy to go out to pick it up.You won't own it.Right.So we must be positive to face everything and do everything. Though I have graduated from school and begin my job.I should tell myself that you are never too old to learn.You should go on learning.Learning everyting,my favorite subject English and my major maths,is enough to make my life be colorful.Cherish the time I have when I am still young.If every person could arrange the time well their lives will be very special.But one thing stop everyone to make progress.It is lazy.I am too lazy to persist in doing something.I am so lazy that I couldn't finish the daily job. Let me tell the world:every person should do everything positively.Work hard!!Forbid Mr lazy to touch you.New year best wishes:tomorrow will be better.The world is colorful,try your and my best to earn the things you and me want.请加分~~




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