

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我的理想作文800字冒险家]俗话说的好:“理想是人生导航的灯塔” 。一个人如果没有理想,就会在生活中迷失方向,眼前就会是一片迷茫。正是因为如此,所以我也拥有一个梦想,并且一直小心翼翼地在守护着它。这...+阅读

My dream is to be a translator.

Ideal is the beacon of life, we each have their own ideals. May be a life-saving doctor, perhaps is a romantic poet...... But my dream is to be a good translator.

I think, when the translator has a lot of benefits. First, I can help others, to serve the people; second, since I want to be a translator, then, if I can achieve my ideal, I will be very happy.

When the translator is my childhood dream job. When I look at the front of the TV is valiant, I have to envy

If I were a translator, I hope have enthusiasm in my language. Proud. Excited these three aspects, "constantly in mind, constantly learning, constantly read", to the cause of national new culture make outstanding contributions.

Of course, this work if only understand Chinese, English, two languages, is far from enough, but also to learn the language of other countries. Such as: German, Korean, Russian, French and Japanese and other languages, to be proficient in the language. So now I want to learn the discipline of Chinese and English and find some information about foreign language learning in their spare time, study hard, do not understand can ask the teacher, can also look on the Internet to know the date.

With this ideal, we must strive to struggle, from now on, I want to attack this goal. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it! I believe that I will achieve this ideal! come on!


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