

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com


Snakes- The Anaconda is also foot per foot a much bigger snake than the Python, being both heavier and wider in girth. This is probably because the anaconda, a water snake, does not have to be concerned about getting its body up a tree like the python does. For these reasons the museum reports the anaconda as the largest snake, though on the average some Pythons grow longer. Do large snakes like the python and the anaconda eat people? Occasionally such attacks are recorded in the wild. In 1972 a python in Burma ate an eight-year-old boy. In 1927 there was the story about a jeweler called Maung Chit Chine. He hid under a tree during a rain storm and afterward his friends could only find his hat and shoes. When they killed a nearby gouged Python, they found the rest of Chines' body, swallowed feet first (though this seems opposite to normal snake behavior) and whole, inside the snake. Strangely enough, many big snakes attack humans not in the jungle, but in suburbia. Pythons are often kept as pets, but can turn deadly without warning. In 1993 in Colorado, a 15-year-old boy weighing 95 pounds was attacked by the family's python. The snake was only of medium size being 11 feet long and weighing 53 pounds, yet was able to kill the boy, though it made no attempt to eat him. Cartoonist Gary Larson, of The Far Side, also had a close call with a Burmese python he had raised from a baby. According to Larson he realized he was "living with a gigantic predator with a very small brain" one day when it tried to do him in. Large snakes, though beautiful and interesting, can be dangerous. And they don't have to live in the jungle to kill.


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