

06月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[友人,扬起风帆高中作文800字]英语考试对于我一向是小菜一碟,就像投一枚硬币,不是正就是反,而这次我投出一枚硬币,它却出人意料地卡在石缝中,让人大跌眼界…… “Z老师好!”“嗯。”Z老师从我身边...+阅读

Dear Nancy, your letters has been received and thank you for caring about me so much,and everything is all right. Recently it is reported all over the televisions and Internet that the earthquake broke out in Sichuan,and there were so many people lost their family even their life. My university calls on that we should show our love to those people by sending some clothes and books and so on. I think we should stand by and encourage those people in Sichuan to rebuild their family. What we can do is to help each other. I am looking forward to your reply.Thanks again. Yours sincerely Lily


Dear Smith, I am glad to know you on the Canton Fair! I appreciate your company's new mobile phone, through investigation and research I'm sure it will have good market prospects. Please explain in detail product information, including product specifications, color , Price, features, etc., and i hope we can build long-term Partnership . Your friend Mark 亲爱的Smith, 很高兴在广交会上认识了你!我很欣赏你们公司的新款手机,通过考察和研究我确定它将有好的市场销售前景. 请详细的说明一下产品的详细信息,包括产品的规格,颜色,价格,功能等, 希望能和贵公司建立长久的合作关系.你的朋友Mark


Peace hotel's manager: Hello!My name is Wuqiang,I had spent my weekend at your hotel and had a good time,but after I back home I only to find my wallet got lost!It is unlucky.So could I ask you for help? In my wallet there is some cash and a picture for my family.It is very importent for me. If you find it,could you give it back to me?Thanks a lot and you're fine! My number is 65789110. My address is Guanghua Road No.136. Yours truely, Wuqiang.


To XX Travel Agency


We are going to arrange a tour to XX for 25 members of a group travelling together for 5 days during the vacation. We would like to be told about the price, diccount, itinerary and routing. Would you be so kind to send us a quotations table and supply us with some imformations on the above details.

Your early reply will be highly appreciated.

Highest regard!

XX Company



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