

05月31日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以家庭给我的幸福为题写一篇600字左右的作文]家庭给我的幸福 生活中,哪里有幸福,哪里就有欢乐。幸福的生活是美好的,是幸福的生活让一家人更亲近。 幸福是多么美好呀!没有吵闹的家,没有怒愤的家,是充满爱的。即使是一个很普通...+阅读

(My new years resolution)My new years resolution is very very brife.only three piece of advice .one ; get good grade ,at next. now,hard study ..as for ,goodgoodstudy,,day day up ,,my math isnot good,,so i can practise everyday ,then i am eating more vegetables and going to exercise more to keep fit next , i am going to take guitar lessons . because i really love music .so guitar .i love too ,,these are my new years resolution s i hope itis,, reality ,but,,realityneed my hard ,i think i can successful.

关于新年的英语作文 100字左右

spring festivel is a special chinese festivel. everyone like spring festivel.

why? because everyone have a long holiday. people don' go to work. everyone can

sleep to nine o'clock. every chlidren also like spring festival. why? because.

every chlidren don't go to school. every chlidren have many money. every people

have many new cloths. duration in spring festivel every people eat


we have story for spring festivel. longlong ago. a beast named "nian". he

is very bed. every year he always eat many people and animal. at lost many

people kill the beast. so we are commemorate this day


一篇关于过年的英语作文 100字左右

My family I have a warm family(我有一个温馨的家庭)。 At home with mom and dad and a cute puppy(家里有爸爸妈妈和一只可爱的小狗)。I was the only one child at home(家里只有我一个小孩)。Our family favorite is a day out for a walk after dinner(我们一家人每天最喜欢的就是晚餐以后出去散步),Incidentally, walk the cute puppy(顺便遛遛可爱的小狗狗)。Rest day, we also like to go out on a family picnic or camping(休息日的时候,我们还喜欢一家人一起出去郊游或者野营)。Always very naughty puppy(小狗总是很调皮),Always my favorite to eat Sausage stolen(总是把我最喜欢吃的肉肠偷走)。Mother's back-up; Dad cooks(妈妈做后备;爸爸做厨师)I am responsible only for eating,(而我只负责吃) This is our happy one(这就是我们快乐的一家)


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