

05月29日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于高考诗歌文言文类的作文]夏日咏怀 夏日燕居久,朝朝慵还疏。平明犹贪睡,起来弄旧书。 自分非隐者,何能事幽独?百蝉充耳噪,氤氲笼敝庐。 都无凉风至,闷坐汗濡濡。而或雷霆斗,郁塞一旦无。 雨声清入夜,骋思聊以...+阅读

Poetry shows us a strong power and makes us feel subtle emotion. It may be read like nosense, but if we be aware of its inner function by our soul, it will helps define our respongses to them. Herry James called poetry as the felt sense of life.There are many famous poetrys that we`ll never forget around the world. We herad it from books, teachers and even history. For centuries people have tried to define and characterize poetry in many different ways. The following quotation may suggest part of the features of poetry。 What is Poetry? Who Knows? Not a rose, but the scent of the rose; Not the sky, but the light in the sky; Not the fly, but the gleam of the fly; Not the sea, but the sound of the sea; Not myself, but what makes me See, hear, and feel something that prose Cannot: and what it is, who knows? by Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965)...


《The dirge of heart》 How are you I want to ask you Looking through the window Can I find something new So many hours and so many days I hope to be with you The more I miss you The colder I will fell When dark fills in my world I feel myself falling into the hell How are you I want to know 《心之安魂曲》 您好吗 我想请问您 综观窗口 我可以找到一些新的收获吗 这么多时间和这么多天,我希望能与您在一起 我越想念你 就越感到寒冷 当黑暗弥漫在我的世界 我觉得自己落入地狱 您好吗 我想知道


Poetry shows us a strong power and makes us feel subtle emotion. It may be read like nosense, but if we be aware of its inner function by our soul, it will helps define our respongses to them. Herry James called poetry as the felt sense of life.

There are many famous poetrys that we`ll never forget around the world. We herad it from books, teachers and even history. For centuries people have tried to define and characterize poetry in many different ways. The following quotation may suggest part of the features of poetry。

What is Poetry? Who Knows?

Not a rose, but the scent of the rose;

Not the sky, but the light in the sky;

Not the fly, but the gleam of the fly;

Not the sea, but the sound of the sea;

Not myself, but what makes me

See, hear, and feel something that prose

Cannot: and what it is, who knows?

by Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965)





Youth is yellow.

Youth looks like a Beautiful scenery(美丽的风景).

Youth sounds like rock music(摇滚音乐).

Youth smells like spring.

Youth tastes like chocolate,

Feeling like many jumping notes and birds flying in the sky(跳动的音符飞翔的鸟儿).


Friendship is pure white(纯白色).

It looks like a glass ball(玻璃球).

It sounds like the bright sky(明亮的天空).

It smells like the sunshine in the winter night(冬夜的阳光).

It tastes like a glass of freshing wine(清新的酒).

Feeling like the happy poems that we can sing all the time(一直吟唱的快乐诗篇).

猜测你年纪应该不大O(∩_∩)O~所以加了点注释(*^__^*) ……


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