

05月27日 编辑 39baobao.com



窗外的雨越下越大,雨停后路可就难走了。这使我又想起了她—— 一个值得我学习的同学。










She is my Idol, she is a lively, cheerful, warm girl! At ordinary times she can moment strict demands on themselves, attends class earnestly listens, earnestly perform everyday homework, see some reading books, increase reading surface, to improve their achievement! She is the classmates side good partner, and also their example! At ordinary times she could and we live together in harmony, usually play together very happy, usually learn together, very hard! But she will constantly remind students to study hard, because our classmates were still want to young children do naughty! She is the teacher's good helper, her work ability, will do something she can afford to teacher, will help the teacher to manage the class, also can for school brigade department work, such as the host, her presided over many of the large-scale activity, celebrated her 14th birthday large-scale activity, have celebrates 61 and art festival closing ceremony activity has played piano competition, has "the military and civilian YiGuQin" theme party, water...... Such as performance, she had to represent the school team attend dai dance performances, north Korea dance show, she had to represent the school aerobics classes to participate in "vocational cup" aerobics dance competition, she had to represent the school recitation groups joined area recitation contest, she had... At home, she was a little girl, she can serious finish their own things, can help your parents do some housework, can reach in sick parents, give as daughter due care about! In society, she is a good citizen can consciously abide by various laws and regulations, love the motherland, is willing to sacrifice everything his motherland!

帮忙写两篇英语作文雷锋是我的好榜样和校园安全 200词左右谢谢!

Comrade Lei Feng is a good example for me.His short life is full of good deeds.Wherever he was ,he always liked to help others.For his comrades in the same army,for the old grandma in the train,for the aunt with a baby in the rain......He is so kind and so helpful to others.

When I was very young,I knew I should study follow Comrade Lei Feng.But sometimes,when I saw someone in difficulties,I dislike to help them,I always thought about the benifits of myself,I wondered if I help him,what I could get?and may it hurt me?and so much worried.These days,I read many stories about Lei Feng,I know him again.I decided that from now on,I must do good deeds whenever, wherever.Lei Feng is the great example in my life,he will live in my heart forever.


"My Favorite TeacherMy favorite teacher is my English teacher who is a kind-hearted woman. She is very strict with us students . She can make her calsses lively and interesting and helps us to overcome the difficulties. She is a easygoing teacher and we get along well with her.All of the students love her,and she is our good friend. We are very lucky to meet such a good teacher,and we will remember her forever." 谢谢采纳!译文:“我最喜欢的老师我最喜欢的老师是我的英语老师,她是一个善良的人.她对我们学生要求很严格.她上的课也很生动有趣,她经常帮助我们克服困难.她是一个随和的老师,而且和我们与她相处得很好.所有的学生都喜欢她,她是我们的好朋友.我们非常幸运,遇到这样一位好老师,我们将不会忘记她.”...


以我的榜样为题写一篇400字作文我身边的榜样 说起“榜样”,那就一定是能起到带头作用,能够影响其他人的优秀模范,我表哥就是一个这样的人。他比我大八岁,我在心底很是佩服他,他学习刻苦努力,成绩不管是在班中还...

我的榜样作文500字我的榜样 幼儿时,我的榜样是父亲,我认为他无所不知,无所不晓。小学是,我的榜样是老师,我认为她博古通今,知识渊博。现在,我的榜样是我最亲的母亲。 我的母亲是一个最平凡的人,却有是...

我的英语老师英语作文this year, our English teacher is change for some reason. her faminly name is called Tang,we called her MS.tang. she looks really nice. she is not very tall, as...

关于00他她是我的榜样03的作文她是一个普普通通的小女生,长辫子,爱穿裙子,长得比较高,微胖,看似平常,却是我的榜样。 有一次,我和她去濮子园玩。我本来计划坐一辆观光游览车玩一圈的,可是车票都买好了,她又说不坐...


我的榜样作文600字写同学的你好! 哇噻!是谁这么狂,敢把自己称为“武林高手”、“天下奇才”?唉,还能有谁呢?——常常在教室后面疯玩的同学中就有这样一个大名鼎鼎的人物。此话一点也不夸张,在男同学玩踩脚游...



谁是我的榜样六百字作文急急急!!我的榜样 上课没多久就下起了蒙蒙细雨,那陶醉人的雨声让我不时的向窗外望去,雨滴如线一般往下落,交织成了一幅画。 放学了,雨仍旧下着,我心里可着急了:我没带伞,也没带钱怎么办啊?我...
