

05月18日 编辑 39baobao.com


Smile, just walk through streams, gentle and quiet; smile, like that of a knife hanging moon, the bright light; a smile, that they like the tall pines, the worth of power savings ...... If we say that a force can make people perseverance, it is power of a smile; If we say that a force can make people confident, that power of a smile; If we say that a force can make a warm heart , that is the power of a smile. A smile is the most direct expression between people, is the most direct way to convey feelings. Smile, a simple action, was able to give comfort strength to move forward, living the faith and soul. "Hello, what do ah," "Hello, what you want to help," entered the Xinjiekou police station reception hall, listening to the words of a caring, watching the police smiling, either no money to go home, anxious to help the beleaguered masses, or just been Touledongxi, gas incoherent owner will unconsciously slow down even further with a smile, calmly listening to the police to explain and help . Difficulties resolved, leaving the smile did not forget to say thank you, It is this simple shallow smile, he served as a bridge between us and strangers, so that others feel the confidence and play, but also more determined they "Ask a police officer for help of" faith. Western proverb, "Only with a smile speaking people can take a leading role." Visible power of a smile is huge. Some might say, it is because a smile is required to work for you, if you do not laugh, you work hard to carry out, and even criticized the leadership, more serious, a little bad attitude, there will be complaints of the masses. In fact, no matter what role we act as in life, in which case, the smile is like a medicine, does anyone have side effects. Because everyone believe a word, it is "better to laugh than cry." It has been said:. "Sunshine and flowers in philosophical smile, the desolation and pain in the pessimistic sigh," there is no time to smile, only sigh of anguish. "Life is like a wonderful journey, it is important that the process rather than results." Therefore, the same journey, the same end, we do not need all the way frown, moan and groan all the way, but there is no need for sadness in my heart tightly locked, Please give yourself a smile, but also a smile to others, because a smile can be resolved sad hearts, people open my heart, eliminate heart disease, but also to re-establish confidence in the people, forget temporary decline. Let us keep smile! Let's slightly upturned mouth, over time, we would like that bent the arc, but will prefer it conveys the kind of power.

the power of smiles英语作文求学霸指点!

My first experience of surfing the internetI still remember clearly about the first time I surfed the intenet. I was asked to search some information through the internet by my teacher. So I had to go to the Internet Cafe. I just spent a couple of minutes to get those stuff and it was a little bit too early to go home. Then I tried to play the game that my classmates always mentioned. It was also my first try. The game was amazing and intersting for me.I was addicted completed to the game so that I forgot the time. When I got home,I was scolded by my mother and I've never gone to the Internet Cafe since then...

请帮忙写一篇英语作文吧!题目有三个:有三个题: 1 The power of

The Power of Smile Besides music,smile perhaps is the most beautiful language without borders between different people.In our childhood when we are babies,the first thing that we learn is to smile which is before"Mum and Dad".Smile has no difference among people,no mttter who you are and where you are from.When we have a problem,conflict or misunderstanding, only smile can help us conmmunicate and release;when we are facing with some difficulties, only smile can help us overcome.We will never forget the smile in the faces of the volunteers of the Olympic Games and Shanghai Expo which show our friendship, generosity and the warmness.And we will never forget the smile in the faces of the waiters in a restaurant,the door-boy at the hotel gate,the teacher in the class and the doctors in the hospital.All these smiles are so beautiful that we feel the world is so nice,and the relation between people is so amazing.You will certainly think that life is sunny and attractive every day with a smile.


Smile! We say this almost every time we snap a photo. What a wonderful word and what a wonderful action to take. Don't you wish we all had more smiles in our lives? Well let's celebrate that simple little facial motion with a page or two in our albums. Don't you love to see the smile of a loved one? Young or old, a smile lights the face and shows the inner beauty of the subject. Harness the power of that smile for just a second and immortalize it in a photo and then on a layout. A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give. - Author Unknown It takes a lot of work from the face to let out a smile, but just think what good smiling can bring to the most important muscle of the body... the heart. Author Unknown


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