

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[学习传统语文教育经验,提高作文教学水平]近十多年来,作文教学状况不能令人满意。原因是不够重视。各级各类统考均以语文知识为主,有些统考 干脆不考作文,把向来以考作文为主的历史颠倒了个个儿。这个大颠倒迫使作文教...+阅读

One day, Si Maguang and a few children were playing in the garden. There was a jar. It was full of water. A boy climbed onto it and played. Unluckily, he fell into the jar. The jar was big and the water was deep. The children saw it. He was soon going to be all in the water. The children was terribly afraid. Then they began to cry and shout:' Help! help!' . They ran off to call for the parrents. At this dangerous moment, Si Maguang had a good idea. He looked and picked up a big stone. He threw hard the stone at the Jar. 'Banging!' The jar broke and the water come out sudenly and quickly. The little child was saved. The little boy, Si Maguang, was cool-headed and quick-headed.He was like a parent at an early age.


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