

05月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急需一篇有关礼仪的英语短文]Good manners are necessary because one is judged by his manners. One's manners not only show what kind of education he has received and what his social position...+阅读

People with disabilities should be respected no matter what kind of problems they have. The problem itself has already distributed difficulty on those people's lives, and they have no choice but accept and live with it. How pitty the lives they have!

I was sitting on a bus and saw a few children were chasing after a boy with wheelchair once day. They were running after him, laughing at him, and even throwing small rocks at him. What a painful picture to watch! I wish their parents or teachers were there, so that they could have stopped them from being disrespectful and rude!


如何帮助残疾人 How to Help the Disable Helping people is the traditional virtue for our Chinese. It is not a big talk. We also need to do it in the reality life. We are only small children that we can't give a lot of money to them. But we can help them in the reality life. For example, we can help the blind to go across the road; we can help the people whose hand is not convenient to bring their things. There are many things that we can do for them. We should give our hands to the people in need. Don't you think living in a world that people help each other would be more wonderful? 帮助他人一直是我们中国的传统美德。这不是空话。我们还需要在现实生活中做到。我们只是小孩子,我们无法给他们捐很多的钱。但我们可以在现实生活中帮助他们。例如,我们可以帮助盲人过马路;我们可以帮助那些手不方便的人拿东西。


关于写残疾人的英语作文 60到70词

您好:The day started out rotten.She overslept and was late for

work.Everything that happened at the office contributed to her nervous

frenzy.By the time she reached the bus stop for her homeward trip,her

stomach was one big knot.

As usual,the bus was late – and jammed.She

had to stand in the aisle.As the lurching vehicle pulled her in all

directions,her gloom deepened.

Then she heard a voice from up front

boom,"Beautiful day,isn't it?" Because of the crowd,she could not see

the man,but she heard him as he continued to comment on the spring

scenery,calling attention to each approaching landmark.This church.That

park.This cemetery.That firehouse.Soon all the passengers were gazing

out the windows.The man's enthusiasm was so contagious she found herself

smiling for the first time that day.

They reached her

stop.Maneuvering toward the door,she got a look at their "guide":an

older gentleman with a beard,wearing dark glasses and carrying a

thin,white cane.






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