

04月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我的一周总结周记400字大全]小的时候我们总会说时间过得非常的慢,可是等到大一点的时候就会发现时间就不够用啦,朋友们,你们现在是怎样想的呢?有没有经常自己总结一下啊? 经历了这个学期的学习与磨练,自己在...+阅读

I spent a very happy week last week.One of my good friends has a birthday party. I also joined it .We had fun watching films ,eating cakes and playing some interesting games .We also go to the park the enjoy the beautiful views. What's more , I have learnt to swim,it is,so easy .I think I will do better then!...


a week's life

i had a busy life last week ,on monday,i had piano lessons in the evening after school ,and i had to finished my homework first,then i could go to bed .on tuesday,i had to study for the next day's english test,so i studied hard all night,i felt very tired the next morning.on wednesday,i practised singing a beautiful song during the music class,it was relaxing,and i thought it was the best day in the week.on thursday,my mother was busy with housework that i had to help her do the laundry and looked after my little brother.and on friday,i had to pracise the piano.on the weekend, i was busy ,too,but happy,i went to my friend's birthday party on saturday.i enjoyed myself there and i visited my aunt on sunday,i helped her with farmwork,i was tired after a day's work,what a busy week i had!


Here comes my holiday! I have lots of plans for this winter holiday.

Of course I need to finish my homework first! I will also preview some of my courses for the next semester if possible.

Then I will spend a lot of time with my family,watching TV,chatting and laughing. I will also visit my friends during the holiday.

Last but not least, I will get enough sleep,eat well and work out a lot to keep myself healthy!

So, these above are my plans for my winter holiday...







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