

04月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[早餐与健康为题目的英语作文]Recently I have made an investigation among 100 students of Senior.One in our school.About 45 precent students go to school without breakfast. While 35 percent...+阅读

Education background is becoming more and more significant in the modern world.

First of all,good education enable people to have high quality taste of beings around.No matter when,you'll feel proud of yourself and never get depressed.What's more,it's a good start of you career.

In addition,the society precious people of good education background.The higher your academic career is ,the more chances are there for you to be accepted by companies.From a far big picture,a society of various well-equipped people will be in harmony.

And finally,we come to the most concerning part,which is,the job oppotunity.Although the mass claim that they just judge the KSA's of a single applicant.However,the fact lays before everyone: within the same condition of two candidates, corperates are likely to choose the one with higher education certificate.And sometimes even come to a place people call "unfair".

All in all,be equiped with high education,we're sure that people will go through better in the society,no matter what area he/she is in.


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