

04月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以我的老师为题写一篇700字的作文]你的老师有一张神奇的嘴巴吗?你的老师有一双锐利的眼睛吗?我的老师就有!她就是我的语文老师,一位和蔼可亲的小学老师! 高老师上课的时候,会用洪亮而栩栩如生的声音和生动、夸张、...+阅读

My Teacher

I have an English teacher.His name is Hardy.He's from England.He's not very tall but he's very kind.He has a head of short hair and he wears a pair of glasses.He has been teaching in China for 2 years,so he can also speak a little Chinese.He often takes care of each other and helps each other.And he can make his class very interesting,so it is very enjoyable for me to listen to him carefully.In a word,I'm proud of having this English teacher!


my teacher英语作文

Sometimes she has to prepare lessons and read test papers at night. Of course not all of us are good at English, so she often helps them with their English in her free timeMy English teacher is Miss Wu. She is pretty and slim ( 苗条). She is kind and friendly to us but sometimes she is strict. She is like an encyclopedia when we ask her something,we can always get the satisfying answer. She is humous and funny. She makes her class so interesting that we all like her and her class...


my english teacher smiles a lot. That's why she always gives students the impression that she is approachable. in fact, she is very nice and friendly, always ready to help us when we have problems in our studies.

My mentor who i dare to claim to be the best in my school is my biology teacher. she teaches us with great patience to ensure that we understand each and every details in biology.



my teacher

My favourite teacher is my English(可以改,科目) teacher Ms.(英文名或中文名拼音).She(he) is nice and humorous.She is tall and thin(可以改) and she is about (老师大概年龄,写年轻一点) .Her class is good because she let everyone join it and enjoy it.We all like her very much.



以我的新老师为题写一篇作文 500字左右叮铃铃!”上课了!同学们赶快回到座位,坐好,听老师安排。 老师站在讲台前,拿着一个文件夹,说:“这节语文课,我来抽查昨晚背诵名言的情况。” 糟了!昨天晚上,我做完手头作业因为太累就睡...

以我的梦为题写一篇作文寻找着,寻找着…… 小时候,总是喜欢站在窗口边,仰望着缀满繁星的夜空。夜,是那么的深邃,幽静,恬美,给人一种浩瀚无边的感觉。常常,看着这美丽的景象会出了神,因为我知道,我要寻找的梦...

以我的优点为题写一篇作文我的优点 人人都有自己的优点,比如说:写字写得好,画画画得好,作文写的好,会跳舞,会唱歌…… 我的优点是勇敢,我记得四岁那年。 一天上午8:00,爸爸和妈妈去徐水拉种子,带着我有些不方...

以我的理想为题写一篇作文我的理想——医生 每个人都有自己的五彩斑斓的理想,工人、教师、警察、医生……每一个理想都那么美好,每一个人都是那么执着。为了理想,每个人都努力不懈地去实现,把瑰丽的理想...


以我的英语为题写一篇英文作文带翻译My English I have some difficulty in learning English. For example, I can't tell the difference between written English and spoken English. Sometimes I often ma...

以我的假期为题写一篇英文作文My winter holiday life I have a good time this winter holiday. During the Spring Festival, I am so happy to see some relatives and friends. I like sports, so I...

以我的为题写一篇作文我的老师 从小到大,我们一生中都会遇到很多老师,这些老师各有特点,有的温柔、有的严肃、有的幽默..... 我喜欢的老师是我们的班主任林老师,从刚开始上小学一年级到现在,老师一都...

