

04月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以帮助为话题的600字作文]帮助别人是种快乐 被人帮助是种幸福!帮助别人是种快乐!前几天我就体会到了这种快乐。 那是上个星期发生的事了,那天放学值完日后我就和齐元坤一起回家,我们一路走一路说笑。走到...+阅读

Trying To Help Others Last Sunday, I went to Haimen to go shopping. I saw a lot of people standing in front of the supermarket when I was walking down the street. I wondered what was happening there. I hurried to go there to take a look. I ran quickly. To my surprise, there was a girl sitting in the street. The girl with a school bag was about 17 years old. There was also a piece of paper in front of her. It said, “…my family don't have enough money for me to go to school…” I was very sad to see that. I couldn't help giving some money to the girl. The girl was very grateful to me. She said, “Thank you!” I was glad to do it. Then I went away with a smile. That day I had a dream in the evening; I dreamt that I had a lot of money. I did a lot of wonderful things. I helped the poor and the old. After the dream, I know that we should be kind to others. If they are in trouble, we will try to help them out of trouble. Then we will feel very happy and we will think everything is beautiful. Then we will have a nice life. Dear friends, try to be a kind person, the world will be nicer and nicer. 帮助他人(Help others) Your enthusiasm, your both hands, can help others ; Your sincerity, your smile, can move others ; Your compliment, your blessing, can reciprocate others ……This, are all what you should do . Because you are accepting others' help all the time , you should reciprocate them. No matter the friend or enemy, no matter the one that is familiar w-ith or strange one, whether he is a rich man or beggar. Help to be not to choose the target , choose time , choose the place. Go , make others warm with heart of you , g-o , help others with hand of you , go , persuade someone else with your action. This is what you should do . You should learn to pay , learns help, learn to present . So long as everybody can do so both, this world will be a cradle that is full of loving , the earth is that one is full of warm collectives!


既然这么急,我帮你 to Help Others Is to Help Yourself We can't do all the jobs and complete all the things by ourselves,so a cooperation and help is needed.Looking back,we can know the history of human beings is a history of helping each other.First,helping others is essential,as our abilities are limited and we can't finish everything alone.We need a help in order to do the thing well.Second,to help others means to help ourselves.We can't live in a single world.When we help others in trouble someday,they will help us in return.On the contrary,if we don't offer a help,we won't get a help.Third,helping others is not only a good quality,but also a happy thing.We can get much happiness by helping others.Friends,don't grudge your love or help,for helping others is just helping ourselves .




If you ask me how to make friends, I would say to know whether a person is good or not is the prerequisite. I think a person who will be a real friend shuold satisfy the following conditions. First, I don't like a person who likes to run down others, so this kind of person will never be my friend. Second, I think my friend shuold be an excellent person, and she/he is always ready to help others. Most importantly, a real friend should be sincere to me, and she/he is willing to share my happiness as well as my sadness.


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