

04月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写一篇初一英语作文80字]The Tortoise And The Hare The classic tale of the tortoise and the hare reminds us that different people take life at different speeds and that one way is not n...+阅读

As is subtly portrayed in the drawing, two handicapped young men are heading towards their destination with vigorous strides, leaving all their crutches behind. The hardship of disability being no longer an obstacle on their journey, they support each other with firm hands and proceed steadily. The caption indicates that they can travel north and south extensively with combined legs. 正如漫画敏锐地描绘的,两个身患残疾的年轻人正在大步流星朝着他们的目的地前进,把拐杖都抛在了身后。残疾的艰难已经不再是他们路途上的障碍,他们互相有力地扶持着稳步前进。图画文字表明"你一条腿,我一条腿;你我一起,走南闯北"。 It is apparent that the cartoonist aims at reminding us of the importance of cooperation in our daily life. Hardly can anyone achieve success in his career without the assistance of his colleagues and partners. As competition in all lines of work grows increasingly fierce, we must defeat our rivals through powerful team work. Take basketball hero Yao Ming for an example, he can slam the dunk smartly because all his teammates contribute more or less to his outstanding performance. Likewise, the successful launching of Chang'e No.1 lunar probe should be attributed to the Chinese scientists' joint efforts instead of individual accomplishment. If we work separately, we will be confined to frail minds and limited resources. 卡通画作者显然是为了提醒我们合作在日常生活中的重要性。

如果没有同事或搭档的帮助,任何人都不可能在事业上取得成功。由于各行各业的竞争日趋激烈,我们只有通过强大的团队才能击败对手。以篮球英雄姚明为例,他能够潇洒地扣篮,是因为他的队友或多或少成就了他杰出的表现。同样,嫦娥一号探月卫星的成功发射要归功于中国科学家们的集体努力,而不是个人成就。如果我们孤立地工作,必然受到局限,变得意志脆弱,享受不到多少资源。 On the basis of the analysis above, we may draw a conclusion that cooperation and team work really count in this competitive society. Therefore, we should associate ourselves harmoniously with our companions in every attempt towards our goals. In addition, it is indispensable to train our kids frequently to interact smoothly with others in a team. As the proverb goes, unity is strength. (241 words) 在以上分析的基础上,我们可以得出结论:在竞争社会中,合作和团队极为重要。



多看点漫画、不是单纯的看、有时候觉得那幅画好看的话可以照着画一下、开始画时应先确定整幅画的体型(可以用请线条来定位)而且要多注意漫画人物或景色的观赏角度、从而可以确定去图画的阴影部分和透视(即近大远小)关系、之后可以进一步的去完美造型、如画树木或草丛等比较乱的东西、可以不按照原图、自己在大概确定好的形体里批画画人物的脸型或四肢或体型时线条要果断不能毛毛草草的、画衣服时应按照人物的动作标准去花衣服的褶皱。 。。。。。 图阴影时一定要注意整体化的表现、因为画本身的前后关系就是由透视关系和明暗关系来确定的、总之画画也是慢慢练出来的、在自己练的时候你自己就会发掘出一些画画的经验和技巧、 这里给你推荐几本我认为可以的书 《影视卡通漫画绘画技法》共3本、分别是:表情片、造型篇、动作片 《动漫秀场》共4本 素描技法基础超值版、人物动态素描技法、超人气美女素描技法(个人认为在一幅好的漫画中能有几个美女是很重要的)、无纸漫画自学教程 。


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