

04月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初二英语二单元作文关于志愿者应聘的]Dear Sir , I read your ad in the newspaper yesterday, I am writing to tell you I'd like to work as a volunteer for the 2008 Olympics. My name is Wang Gang. I am...+阅读

I heard that you don't feel well recently .If you didn't have a healty body ,you would do nothing .Having a diet to keep fit is not smart,you shoud eat many kinds of food like meet ,vegetable,fish everyday to build a good body as well as do some excersise,then you have healthy body and you are fit.In short ,a healthy body is the most important,I hope you can know it .


初二年级下册如何保持家里干净整洁英语作文开头:说明教室整洁对学习的重要性 As it's known to all, good enironment makes us happy and helps us study better. Therefore, we must try to keep our classroom clea...


关于如何让保持好的心态的英语作文初四是几年级?是高一吗? As we step into high school,many of us get more and more nervous about study .But I think to keep a gentle psychology is more important tha...

六年级下学期2单元作文五官 人的五官并无好坏之分。他们都立足于人类的脸上,享受着成功之乐,他们各有所长,各有所短,分工虽然不同,但搭配的是那样合理。 鼻子在脸上的位置是顶天立地,他居于中心。有眉毛...

六年级下学期第一单元作文童年,像一条络绎不绝的小溪,缓缓地流在我的心里.在这条小溪里,既有欢乐的笑声,也有伤心的眼泪,但记得最深的,要数童年时我做过的一件傻事。 那是我四岁的时候。有一天上午,外婆正在...

求初一下学期第二单元试卷测试的英语的作文Dear Sarah, I am glad to hear that you are going to travel in Beijing next saterday. And i will tell you how you can go to my home. First of all,you need to tak...

关于保持健康的英语作文People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good healthis the most valuable poss...

实用英语1第四版第一单元课后作文As you read Passage B the first time, use contextual clues, common sense and your knowledge to guess the possible answers to the questions between the paragraph...

关于你朋友的英语作文 80词左右初二第三单元I heard you have some trouble learning English so I want to give you some advice.First,you should listen to teachers carefully in the class.It's important for y...
