

04月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[2008年12月英语六级作文真题]How to Improve Students’ Mental Health 1.大学生心理健康很重要 2.为此,学校可以 3.我们自己应该 In modern society, people are destined to cope with a lot of pressu...+阅读

Safety is an important factor of life, it determines our way of living and our place of standing in thiefs' hearts. If someone have no regards to safety, they will soon get into a lot of trouble. There are a lot things we could do to get some safety. One of them is to put away your credit, debit cards, and important things in a secure place and not tell anybody your card numbers and your passwords. Another thing you should be aware of is to lock you house after you leave or after you come in. Also, check the lights and stoves before you go to sleep. Those are all examples of how to protect yourself. I think safety is the most important thing in life。


1 kids: children

2. members: number send: are sending kids: children ......

天啊 好多语法跟拼写错误。 你拿word的语法修正一下吧 太多了

错漏百出 有反例子跟搞笑的嫌疑

另外用词不当的地方很多 建议你只用自己熟悉的词 不然的话 用英英字典看看这些词该怎麽用


considerable 一般只能用作 相当的,可观的 (你那句我没看懂 所以改不了)

citizens是指公民 你应该用public来指大众

kids 是口语词 不适合在文章里用

horizons 你想指起跑线?? 英文里面没有这个说法

widen their eyes 英文里是说把他们的 眼睛 之间的距离弄开... 不知道要用什麽外科手术了。

如果你是考试 你就 死 定 了

还是那句, 用你最熟悉的句型跟词汇 这样至少不会在语法跟用词上出错 剩下的就是表达方式,中国的改卷人水平一般不会高到哪里去,所以不会丢太多分的



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The way to success

There is a famous remark said by Abraham Lincoln,"Give me six hours to chop down a tree,and I will spend the the first four sharpeing the axe."Simple it is,what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking.All of us want to acheive success,but here comes a question, how to do it? The answer is different,Lincoln'words is helpful for us to have a deep thingking.

In china,the students must be studing ten years and we can take part in the final exam in this ten years we can have a good fundation,only in this way can we pass the eaxm.It's impossible for everybody to achieve success in an easier way,we must work harder and harder,improve our ability and skills,then we can beat others in competiton.Why Lincoln spend so many time to sharpeing the axe? Because the clearly dumd know the former preperation is the mostly important.



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