

03月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语作文写作背诵200句]1. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 2. T...+阅读

Swimmingis fun, but in case to be a good swimmer, you will need to learn some termsthat can help you swim faster than others.

Frontcrawl is the most major way to swim, this swimming method can be described likethis, use your hand to crawl the water. Meanwhile, you need to use your feet tokick the water surface to speed up. And after every three crawl, you need totake your head out of the water surface to breathe as well.

Backcrawl is the reverse of the front crawl, this swimming method will need you tocrawl the water backward and kick the surface as well. However, this is similarto front crawl, but requires less energy.

Breaststroke is another major way to swim, this is the swimming way that most of thepeoples are using, and this swim is the easiest swim to learn, use hand to makea U under water, kick your feet underwater at the same time, this swimmingmethod is slow but flexible.

Thisthree is the most common use swimming way all over the world.



A happy saturday Last saturday ,I was very happy .on that day,The wather was fine.On saturday morning ,I did homework a few hours and then I played football with my classmates. We all had a good time .In the afternoon,I went to the park and had a picnic。In the evening ,I helped my mother cooked dinner and did housework.And the dinner was very delicious。After supper,I did the dishes and watched TV. At ten o'clock I went to sleep。The saturday I was tired but happy.Because there are gains to pay(有付出就有收获)


1。 Last Sunday , Ali's parents were not at home. In the afternoon, he and his younger brother ,John were very hungry.Therefore,they went to a nearby market to buy some bread. John likes to eat chocolates very much.At the market,John opened a packet of chocolates.When Ali saw it,he was angry because he had no money to paid it. Ali then told the shopkeeper about it.He also apologized to him.the shopkeeper was a generous man and he gave the chocolates to John.Ali and John then thanked him. ---------------------------------------------------------- 2. Greg and Darrel are brother. Greg is 12 years old and Darrel is 11 years old. Both of them are good at playing chest.They always represent their school in chest competition. Last Sunday , Greg and Darrel participated a chest competition.It was the National Chest Competition.The competition was held in the hall of a school.When they reached there, there was already many people in the hall. The competition was keenly contested.Finally, Greg won the first prize and Darrel was the runner up.They were very happy .


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