[中考英语辅导作文:《《英语作文TheBestKindofLove》]美文赏析:The Best Kind of Love I he a friend who is falling in love. She honestly claims the sky is bluer. Mozart moves her to tears. She has lost 15 pounds and...+阅读
Long long ago, there were many trees in the mountain, in order to make contribution to the development of the economic, the promising value of the trees have incurred a large-scale deforestation. A lot of trees were hewed, and the mountain have been divested of its primitive habituation, which were contributed by the trees. Barren topsoil were subsequently exposed, led the ecological balance lost. Ever since then, people live around the mountains have suffered from natural disasters, flooding or drought. However, the situation stopped deteriorating when an old sage saw that with his grandson. They decided to persuade people to plant trees to ameliorate the ecological environment. As a result of long consistent plantation, a lot of new trees have formed a grove, while the size is still increasing.
绿洲?沙漠! “也许,许许多多的情感都会因而由浓变淡。其中最可怕的就是淡得似乎却又无所不在,总在人不经意的时候悄悄袭来,轻轻触动,勾起一阵毫无防备的揪心疼痛……”轻轻读着 这些语句,我的心情也不由自主地受其感染变得沉痛而孤寂。 抬头望着漆黑的夜空,没有星星,没有月亮;没有笑语,没有欢歌,甚至感受不到一丝生灵的气息,唉!又是在这样的夜晚,我已记不清多少次独自徘徊于这茫茫的夜幕下,盲目地寻找着那颗曾经与我擦肩而过的流星。 我知道,我只不过是寻找罢了。那曾的一切都已被往事埋葬,成为永不再提的话题。我的心情再也没有人能知了,只有任孤独陪伴我站立于苍穹之下。 在墙边,我意外地发现妈妈以前种下的玫瑰花和百合花在微风的轻拂亲吻下,在春雨的滋润下倔强地在黑土中涌动着勃勃的生机,一个个地探出头,自豪地仰视着太阳公公,吟唱着春的到来,歌颂绿色生命的顽强和美丽。
它们是春的忠实使者。它们的诞生,给寂寞的大地添上了无限的生气。眨眼功夫,它们比赛似的饱吸了春雨的精华已是叶片茁茁,汁液盈盈。看着他们,我就像看到妈妈在种植的身躯…… 在我懂事以来,我就常常看见妈妈在种植花草。我曾不解地问她:“你自己亲手种不是很辛苦吗?”妈妈总是笑着说:“怎么会呢?自己亲手种,自己会开心一些。它们就像你们,我都会用心栽培,让你们都开放美丽的花朵,让我们的花园变成一个绿洲!”我当时并不理解妈妈的话。但当妈妈迷上了桥牌后,我发现妈妈不在经常地照顾花儿,甚至它们渴得快要死了,妈妈也没空打理它们! 这让我想起了自己。妈妈,其实我不正像你吗?现在,我就像你曾心爱的花儿一样,得不到充足的阳光,得不到充足的水分,更重要的是得不到种植者的细心爱护!妈妈,你能了解花儿的吗?你并非,但是你并不懂得怎样与花儿交流,沟通。
一个名人曾说:“要想成为一个成功的种植者,最重要的是学会用心与花儿交谈。” 开心、幸福的事犹如,犹如流星一样飞速消逝,让人没有时间慢慢地留恋。时间真的可以把一个人改变?把一个幸福的家庭变得冰冷无情?我不敢再往下想……我只知道,如果失去了父母的关心,失去了家庭的温暖,心灵的绿洲就会变成荒芜的沙漠!望采纳,谢谢!!!...
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