
My Hero关于蜘蛛侠的英语小作文70词左右

03月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语作文My Dream]My Dream I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I don't have to worry about the old a...+阅读

I think Spiderman is great.When I first watched the movie 'Spiderman', I was so attract with special effects. Spiderman's name is Peter Parker. He lost his parents when he was very young and lived with his aunt and uncle.One day ,during his trip with his classmates .He got bit by a spider and then his gen changed. When he got up, he found that he didn't need glasses anymore,he can jump high ,climb the walls and so on. After days,he can make some money to buy a car.After the competition,he found his uncle is killed by a robber.He is very angry and use his abilities to catch the robber.After then ,he remember his uncle had said,'The more power you have, the more responbilities you should take.' He do it so and become a guardian of the city.


今天,弟弟和姐姐来我们家玩。姐姐用我妈妈的平板调出来了《蜘蛛侠3》让我和弟弟还有她一起看。 这部片子主要讲的是:主人公彼得的朋友哈利的爸爸死了,哈利认为是彼得杀的,就用他爸爸留下来的武器追杀彼得但是他被彼得从高空击中,掉了下来,失去了一些记忆。 有一个小女孩的爸爸是一个逃犯,他在逃追捕中不小心到了实验基地,风化成了沙子人,永远也死不了,因为沙子一散开就会结合起来,但是沙子人有两个缺陷,一,是很怕水;二,是离开沙子活不了。他为了给自己快要病死的女儿治病,就开始抢钱,正好遇上了蜘蛛侠,把蜘蛛侠给打败之后逃了出去。 蜘蛛侠被一种黑色的东西附体,变成了黑色蜘蛛侠,能力强了不少,但是开始变的脾气暴躁、骄傲、冷酷、不理别人、自以为是,蜘蛛侠就很想摆脱掉这种东西,但是一直摆脱不掉,所以他的脾气越发暴躁起来。

终于有一次,他在教堂顶端摆脱了这个东西,但是,这个东西刚好落在了想要报复他的报社同事身上,让他变成了黑蜘蛛。 自从沙子人和蜘蛛侠打过之后,就一直想着要报复他,结果一天见到了黑蜘蛛,还以为是蜘蛛侠,就和他打了一架,结果输得很惨,于是沙子人就飞快的跑,但是黑蜘蛛爬到墙上,说他们的敌人是共同的,让他和他一起对付蜘蛛侠,沙子人就听了他的话和他一起打蜘蛛侠。 蜘蛛侠的女朋友被绑架了,蜘蛛侠就来营救,结果被打的很惨。这个时候,知道父亲死的真相的哈利来了,和蜘蛛侠一起并肩作战,打败了黑蜘蛛和沙子人,但是哈利却为了给蜘蛛侠挡剑,而被黑蜘蛛杀死了。 这部电影很好看,大家感兴趣的的话也可以看一看。...




记得我上一年级时,我咳嗽了好长时间,喝了不少药,就是不见好。后来,您不知道从哪听说了个信访,用干荔枝或者桂圆肉,与核桃仁、花生米 起熬汤,可以增强体质抵抗力。于是您就每天为我熬汤。炖好后把汤倒保湿盒里放到桌子上。那汤香喷喷、甜润润的,可好喝了。我想像得出,生次炖煮前,您都要费好多心思,唱着您亲手炖的汤,一股暖流通遍了我全身。



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